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angel spawning


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oooopps I was in the wrong column (freshwater). My juvenile angels have spawned (on valeseria) To my amazement the eggs survived and at the moment they have just moved the wrigglers to the Shark II filter. Keeping the two kribs, one eartheater near the bottom of the tank (80 litre hexagon). :roll: :roll:

should I turn the shark II off so the fry do not get drawn in the bottom if they drop off?? I also have an u/g filter.

What do I do re water changes?? I usually do weekly of 33% - 50% changes. Do I just not do them.

rushing to Christchurch to get brine shrimp and will get some infusia to feed them.

Will I need to get another tank set up?? If so what stage should I move them??

Oh my you are seeing a nervous foster parent here. :wink:

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Well I got the brine shrimp eggs and they are underway. The fry, wrigglers and parents were doing ok too...............until I tried to do a little water change by lifting some water from the top of the tank - the resulting eddy dislodged the fry and although the parents managed to save a few initially they were lost.

My mistake in not leaving well enuff alone. :cry: Lesson learned.

The brine shrimp I will feed to rest of fish.

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Goldie said:

no the kribs took advantage of the situation. So now the tank is sorted if the angels ever go into production again. Do you do water changes while fry are still in egg stage or early fry stage???

As I may have said elsewhere, I just leave them to it, no water changes, no overfeeding, no disturbances.

My last pair that spawned is still looking after the young after.... well.... the eggs arived on the 22nd, were moved on the 26th, etc... and it's the 4th of Feb.... mmm around two weeks.

Young look more like daphnia at the moment with their pink belllies and swimming tail down most of the time.

Not to worry Goldie, set them up in a seperate area and use some water from their original setup. Try to include the thing they spawned on.

They should spawn again shortly if you feed them up.

Bill (Pegasus)

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