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Little betta story


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First of all hi people haven’t been here in a while :D

A short about the stupidity of both me and a LFS.

About 4 months ago I bought a betta from a LFS (I won't say which one it was). The thing is it was MEANT to be a female. The tank was filled with females and so that’s what I thought I was buying. Having a bit of past experience with bettas it also looked like a female to me.

Any way when I got it home it went into a trap in a tank with a large male. They seemed to get along rather well for two days so I released this supposed female in with the big male. They got along fine for 3 or so months until the big male came to the end of his time. Now buy this stage I should have figured out that is was in fact a male from it body shape although it’s fins where very small and colour very dull.

How ever I finally did figure out it was a male the hard way. I got a beautiful new white crown tail put him into the tank where I lost my big male. The supposed female was in the trap and all seemed well until I put them together and they absolutely destroyed one another. It was then when I finally found out it was a male.

They have both recovered and healed rather well. The one thought to be a female has grown very large fins and can no longer be mistaken for a female.

I am disappointed in myself for not noticing earlier that the fish was a male not a female. I’m also just as disappointed in the LFS how have a very experienced staff but didn’t see this either. I wonder how many others got males instead of females.

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