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Sick Siamese Fighter Fish


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I bought 2 x male Siamese Fighter fish from a reputable specialist fish retailer on Tuesday.

One of the fish is doing really well - has been swimming around actively, and eating.

The other fish however, has been very lethargic and hasn't eaten anything since I got him. He is now almost looking like he's going to die! I rang the fish man today, and he said to put a few pinches of rock salt in the water as a "pick me up tonic" for him. (I also added some Melafix and Stress Coat.)

The fish is still looking very sick, and doesn't look like he'll last another day. I am very upset and sad about this. :(

Can anyone please help me to get my fish healthy and well again?

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Are the 2 males in the same tank, because you should not have 2 males in a tank together. Perhaps one is being aggressive to the other, I could be wrong but those with more experience will tell you.

From what I understand, 2 males alone in a tank will fight to the death!

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Don't forget a lot depends on how each fish handles stress. One fish may have been more stressed when being caught, or not be able to handle the change in water conditions from the shop tank to your own. Too many people are quick to blame a shop for selling a sick fish when that may not be the case. Even if the other fish appears well.

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I understand that, thanks for the advice.

However, I have now just 1 Siamese Fighter Fish, after having received a refund for the sick fish. Must admit though, the fish seller was a little less than apologetic about the whole thing! He was very forthcoming about info regarding getting the sale, but when things turned bad, he didn't want to know about it! A shame "The Warehouse" doesn't sell fish - at least you'd get a no questions refund on your purchase!

Sour grapes I know, but being a novice to this type of type of fish I expected maybe a little too much help with it's care than the seller offered me!

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The biggest thing i have found when getting new fish is slowly acclimatising them to your tank water, leave them in the bag and float it in the tank to adjust the temperature, i add about 150ml every 15 mins for around 1 hr but if you can do it over a longer period will make the change less stressfull for the fish, i leave the bag open the whole time but that depends on if the fish is a jumper or not.

Using this method any new fish are settled in the tank within an hour and the last addition which was a black ghost knife was happily exploring straight away.

HTH with future fish purchases : -)>

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i add about 150ml every 15 mins for around 1 hr

I've been doing it the way the booklet that came with the tanks said.

I sit them in the tank (bag open) for 15 minutes, then every 5 minutes (15 minute total) add some tank water...then net the fishy into the tank.

Do you think that this was too short a time? It's how I've always done it :(

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You guys do not want The Warehouse to start selling fish.

Wal-Mart sells fish in the states, and those fish are in sad conditions in the store and are usually in a sorry state when you get them home. They're kept in little plastic jugs like the ones you get take-away Chinese food in. Very very sad.

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Wal-Mart sells fish in the states

And here too! Sometimes they're ok I have bought fish there...sometimes...no way will I buy! As I've said before, only one other place that sells fish...and the last time I was there...tanks were that dirty you could hardly see the fish!

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Thanks for that Melanie. It was a purely a "tongue-in-cheek" comment by me, and not meant to be taken seriously. (I had just had a bad experience after winning a fish tank on trademe, only to find that it was readvertised with another description, after I had bought it - and unfortunately I wrote on here when I was annoyed about that - arrgghh!)

I now have guppies and neon tetras to replace my Siamese Fighter (who, by the way, has made a remarkable recovery, and was sold again this morning). I am following the guidelines given above, right at this moment, and am floating the bag with my new fish in the tank to acclimatise them.

Thanks for all the advice on this topic. It was all been very helpful.


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