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Bettas breeding help!!


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Hi there,

i have a cambodian butterfly female and a blue male betta, in my 4 foot tank with 11 baby discus and cardinal tetras and 2 corys.

The 2 bettas have bred, we woke up the other morning and there was a bubble nest with eggs in them and he was looking after them really well, then the next day they hatched and there were heaps of little babies.

We were going to move them into a different tank but we didn't really know what we were doing and i wasn't sure if they needed there Dad or not and i didn't want to disturb them and then end up killing them so we just left them and in the morning they were all gone, he has now built another bubble nest and i think they are going to try again WHAT SHOULD I DO ?!!

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if you intend to breed betta, you should really need to have separate tank just for breeding purposes.

male started making nest, female comes along and have eggs and males fertilised it. after that, when the male started protecting the eggs, remove the female. the male will guard the eggs until they hatched and when the babies become free swimming and wonder off for food. this is when you remove the male.

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