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Phosphate never wants to drop!!


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Hi ppl,

I don't know why I can't get the phosphate to reduce, I think i've tried everything. I've placed Aquasonic sponges in my canister filter, then I've made several 20% water changes. I've got a skimmer that's working fine (It's producing heaps of bubbles).

I also cleaned my canister filter and the mini reef system from all debris... Tested my tap water with no or very very little trace of phosphate.

Does anyone know of any other ways to reduce the phosphate (other than starting from scratch!)???

PO4: 3.0

NO3: 20

cal: 450-500

alk: 160

ph: 8.0-8.1

salt: 1.021

everything else is normal

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Usaco I don't see any information on your filtration so don't know what you have at the moment. However, when you feed, you add phosphate to the tank.

Most food is at least 1% phosphate. So you must have some means to remove this phosphate. If you are not removing at least as much as you are putting in, you will eventually have a problem.

This starts with a skimmer, the best you can get as this is possibly the single most important part of your filtration system. The crud your skimmer removes is largely organic material, and contains phosphate. So in some low bioload tanks a skimmer is all that is needed to keep on top of it.

But with most tanks, something more is required. The two most popular options are an algae refugium, or phosphate removing media. The next two methods are contraversial although I have used both with success, they are the zeovit system, and vodka dosing. However these two last options require a greater skill level, a refugium, or phosphate removing media should be your first port of call.

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