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Shy fish


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Hi guys, I feel a little silly asking this but you know how it is when you buy new fish - you just want to watch them! I recently put six leopard danios in with my two dwarf gouramis (trying to start the new tank slowly) - but they all keep hiding :roll: I dont have many plants yet but plenty of wood and bark with little hidey holes - too many I think :roll: I have only had them for two days but when will they come out so I can talk to them. Are they generally shy fish?

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None of these fish hide in wood or bark hidey holes so will be feeling shy with no plant cover.

I have always found dwarf gouramis to be shy but others say they have found differently. :roll:

Give them a few days. Don't feed them for 3 or 4 days then they will be sure to be hungry so will be more inclined to come out when you do feed them. :wink:

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Thanks Caryl, I know my post sounded vague but I went to the pet shop only intending to buy zebra danios to help cycle my tank. My son was with me and fell for the gouramis but I had done no research on their habitat or behaviour. On top of this I came home with leopards instead of zebras so my best laid plans went awry :roll: We have four large plants and I will be adding more as soon as I can. Thanks again.

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