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marine equipement


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Ok im thinking of setting up a marine tank but what does all the equipement do... skimmer? Calcuim reactor? refugium? i've been doing a bit of research and have a fair idea how to set one up and the cycling part but not sure what everything actually does and want to have a better understanding of everything before i lungge into it.

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a protein skimmer does exactly what its name suggests, it skims out protein from the water. (this doesnt really have an equivilant in fresh water tanks)

calcium reactor is a "luxury item" that you wouldnt really need unless your serious about keeping stoney corals

refugium is a tank away from the main tank for rocks algae fish etc, more common is a sump for storing equiptment that you dont want in the main tank (skimmer heaters extra rock)

if your serious about a marine tank by all means come on over next week when ive got the new tank as things will make more sence

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I suggest you do a lot of reading and have a look at some of the american forums like reefcentral.com and nano-reef.com

Also read this book because it is easy to read, and gets you started

The New Marine Aquarium: Step-By-Step Setup & Stocking Guide by Michael S. Paletta.

I've started researching marine aquariums 2 months ago and I'm just starting to get the jist of things and started to get the things necessary.

Also these guys and girls on this forum are great. So if you are stuck on anything, someone here should be able to help.

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as above, READ READ READ! three most important things in reefing:

1. time. you need a fair bit of it, especially in the start :D plus ongoing maintenance, plus when the bug really kicks in, you'll probably waste more time on this site than on your tank :lol:

2. money. dont ever under estimate the cost of a marine tank. budget on at least $5k, otherwise risk it failing. sure, others will have done it cheaper, but at what cost? maintenance usually.

3. patience. natural reefs were made overnight :D

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