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Blackish tinge on Gourami and Sword


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Hey guys,

This may sound like a stupid question BUT....

I was feeding my fish this evening and noticed that both the gourami and the mail sword have a blackish tinge on them, is this something I should be concerned about?

All the other fish are fine and this mysterious tinge does not seem to be affected them at all. They still swim around like crazy and eat and dominate the tank.

All comments appreciated.

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One of my fantail goldfish...ocassionaly gets a spot of black on one of his fins...it is not very big...and just when I think maybe he's going to change color...it goes away...this has happened a couple of times...and he's just fine!

So, I don't know about gouramies...but just thought I'd mention I've also experienced this and the fishy is just fine!

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One of my gold 3 spot gouramies has done that and it seems perfectly happy. First its fins darkened then its body went darker, almost like black stripes on it. The other one has stayed the same colour. I presume its age because its behavour hasn't changed and its been this way for a couple of months now



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