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Multi Tank Syndrome (M.T.S) survey. How many tanks do you have (be honest !)  

41 members have voted

  1. 1. Multi Tank Syndrome (M.T.S) survey. How many tanks do you have (be honest !)

    • 1
    • 2
    • 3-4
    • 5-7
    • 8-11
    • 12-15
    • 15-25
    • 25+

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Hi my name is Dolorosa (a.k.a. Caper)

...because I only have 2 tanks :( I am not a true addict .... let me introduce you to my fishy children :P

1 - 10 gallon, home to:

Sam (goldfish)

Puff (fantail goldfish)

Beauty (fantail goldfish)

Oscar (otto)

Felix (otto)

1 - 29 gallon, home to:

The Crew (12 neons)

The Little One (red wag platy)

Mickey (what else, Mickey Mouse platy)

Spot (dalmation platy)

The 2 Stooges (black neons, yah used to be 3 :( )

Slim (guppy)

Blue (guppy)

Silk (molly)

Speck (sailfin molly)

Cheech (pleco)

Chong (pleco)

Jack (WCCM)

oh my...forgot 2 red eye tetras...not named...yet!

Jill (WCCM)

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I feel like such a noob!

I only have 3 tanks. (partner keeps asking "why do you need more?")

I have an octagonal with tropicals in, a small tank that usually houses goldfish, and a big tank (I'm real techincal on measurements hehe) that I haven't added any tropicals to yet, but my 3 goldfish are currently in it cycling it.

Which made me kind of think "hmm, they look cool in there, so I might keep it as a cold water tank"

Which means I need to get another big tank, to move my tropicals into, so I can get some Angels for my octagonal.

I promised I wouldn't buy any more tanks without asking..............

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Is there a trend here.....?

After 'We', -oops I mean *you people with the fish 'problem'* move on from 7-8-9-10 tanks, do we (I mean "do you!") move straight into the 'oh my gawd!' zone of over 25 tanks - it seems theres not many of us in the groups between 12 and 25 tanks.....is it 'we may as well 'go the whole hog'' kind of thing?


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I have been avoiding doing this because i was have to confess all :o

(prehaps not all, but everything fishy :lol: )

Currently i have 4 tanks setup

40L Guppy Tank

+ 1 Betta Female

55L Planted

14 neons

1 algae eater

1 pair of siamese fighters

140L Cichlid

3 Kenyi

3 Auratus

5 Convicts

5 Blue peacocks

190L Community

7 Angels (one Pair)

6 serpae tetras

3 penguin tetras

2 palties.

The kicker is though that i have another 10 tanks waiting to be setup.

8 going to be fixed plus 2 that i have lent to someone to be in a movie.

I am not and never have had MTS!!!!!!!!........Honest :wink:

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