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:hail: from new zealand discus man

:evil: That means discus have been at some time with other fish that are the carriers..

With discus bottom temp is 28 and idea is 30..that usually stops white..

NOW right NOW increase to 32 c..even use hot water..not on glass. will crack it..

Also plain Salt.. level tea spoon to every 4.5 litres.. if planted salt will damage..

and if available ..white spot cure,,Note that white spot cannot be touched while you see white spots..the higher temp will speed up life cycle and out it comes to breed.. if planted go to 34c and leave out salt..

but you must treat whole tank.. or you will get it back,, :evil:

Cheers phill Collis :P:P back to good Discus again.

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Ok so I have added White Spot cure 288 drops!!! and do I raise temp as well? It says on the bottle not to bother increasing temp, how long do i leave temp on 34degrees? and yes it is a planted tank so I do not add salt , correct?

Also how many times do I add the white spot cure??

I have just purchased some BN and had them in another tank

alone for a week, I figured that was long enough for a quarantine period, apparently not!!

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:hail: from new zealand discus man..

The bit about cant do any thing while you see spots.. The white is a protective barrier for the Protozon..

The high temp is the Key..no salt with plants..

To white spot cure,,It should tell you the retreatment time.. it will be absorbed by arganic matter..And Colour will Fade..

Colour usually is to go by..from first colour , match daily..but if Malachite Green its from the Copper Family and is extremely TOXIC ..So take Care

But The High Temp will Take Out The Common White Spot..

If you unlucky .you could have a strain that killed thousand of clown loaches years ago....

Full Treatment With higher Temp is at Least two weeks to ensure all gone.

Dont let Discus get below 30 c after this is over..

Cheers Phill

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