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great looking acro's and so many of them....

cookie extreme

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It's just a shame those photos have been altered so much, though.

I've seen other pictures of his tank, and it is very nice.

Good to see someone who is willing to admit they had losses when starting zeovit. I think it is more common than others want to admit.


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"All kinds of evidence"

As in, precisely what, in this case?

I cut and pasted this, from the bottom of the article, headed Camera Specifications

"All of the pictures on this webpage were taken with the following:

1. Nikon Coolpix 4300

2. Canon 10D with and without a Macro Lens.

Preset settings were used. On the Nikon, Night Mode without Flash was the choice for colorful pictures and the full tank shot. Macro Mode on the Nikon was also used for clearer & closer images. No other setting were changed and white balance was not used with the preset settings. For the Canon 10D (Naka's camera), I used his preexisting settings and chose the P mode for all pictures. The Macro lens was used most of the time for clear crisp images you see below under HQ Images. Tripod and other settings were not used for any of these camera's."

My guess is that it may have been nessecary to use a picture editor to change the size of the picture, but I'd be very surprised if the actual colors had been tampered with in any way at all. In fact I would consider that misleading and dishonest, and just don't believe he would do it.

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I think this is silly. We have all taken digital photos of our tanks and they often don't reflect the actualy colour or vitality of the subject. The heavy blue lighting plays havoc with the cameras white ballance.

Those photos look real enough to me. I certainly don't think they have been photoshoped to decive us to sell more Zeovit.


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I certainly don't think they have been photoshoped to decive us to sell more Zeovit.

Neither do I. I was just saying that the heavy saturation and hue alterations are a bit distracting in some of the photos. (I don't think it is grossly misleading or anything though)

Like I said, i've seen other pictures of his tank, and it is definitely very nice.

Some people just get a bit defensive sometimes.


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Yes you are right, guess I must have been very defensive.

I was kind of wondering why you said "It's just a shame those photos have been altered so much", as if it's a fact.

Suppose I'll just have to keep wondering why someone would say stuff like that.

I don't believe they are altered at all.

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EXIF, and JDF tend to disagree with the not been altered claim.

Most people who work in a graphics related industry could look at several of those pictures would tell you with high probability that they have been altered, before they even look at the metadata.


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I don't think it is a common practise.

To try and get the best by fiddling with lighting etc is what everybody would do, but to photoshop a pic to say you got something you don't, I just can't see somebody doing that, maybe a few but I'm sure it would not be the norm.

And anyway, you say there is some way to tell if it's been done? So why do it if people can tell?

The other thing is I'm kind of surprised you find the photos so unbelieveable. Colours like that will be pretty much the norm in any well stocked and well run zeovit tank.

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high probability that they have been altered

But can they guarantee, 110 % with out a doubt ? isnt it also POSSIBLE he altered the photos to match what the tank realy looks like ?

I dont use Zeo yet, but im going to. And im prepared to have losses, i've allready had losses from oher sorts of media to improve colouration and have accepted this.

To me its enough keeping corals, i even like BROWN acro's, and health and growth is more important, but i think its good to try and push things to a certain limit for certain results

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I'm saying it's necessarily misleading or "saying you got something you don't", just overdone on a couple of images there.

There are clues given away in recent versions of photoshop courtesy of cip4 organisation standards which have been pushed in the graphics prepress industry recently.

In some products like Acrobat Pro, it's quite transparent. In Photoshop it is still quite "in the background".

I'm not surprised at the colours, just the overly saturated images. There are even a one or two on some other nice tanks websites from memory.

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And im prepared to have losses

No need to be. Despite us all being constantly told that losses are the norm with zeovit, it is not true.

I have had acro losses and it is no secret. BUT they have all been corals I just purchased that could not take the sudden drop in nutrients going into a zeovit tank. All my sps losses have occurred within the first few days of putting them in the tank. Once they have survived the first few days, I have not lost one.

What I do now, is put new purchases into the frag tank, which is not as low nutrient as the zeovit tank. This gives them a chance to adapt, once they look healthy they go into the zeovit tank, this system has worked well.

IMO just reduce nutrients slowly, don't go for the quick result just be happy to see gradual changes, and no losses are nessecary.

That losses HAVE to happen with zeovit is an urban myth.

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But can they guarantee, 110 % with out a doubt ?

If they investigate the file metadata enough, almost certainly.

isnt it also POSSIBLE he altered the photos to match what the tank realy looks like ?

Absolutely, that's the reason it is so common (yet people refuse to admit it), it's generally the aim of it, to more accurately reflect the image. It's not necessarily aimed to be misleading, as wasp seems to be fixated on.

There is a picture in "Aquarium Corals" which suffers from this slightly excessive altering too from memory. See if you can spot it.


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have had acro losses and it is no secret. BUT they have all been corals I just purchased that could not take the sudden drop in nutrients going into a zeovit tank.

roflmao.gif How did you work that out?

Maybe it's that you are increasing a nutrient in your tank when you start zeovit? Just a thought.


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