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Sunken Bellies


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I have recently purchased two blue rams. I have not had much success with these fish in the past, but now that my tank is well established and I'm a little bit wiser thought I would give them another go. I wasn't feeling the best when I went shopping for them, so didnt really take the time to check them over as well as I probably should have. Anyway I now find they both have sunken bellies. Can anyone advise what is the cause of this, is there something I can do or is it just a matter of time until their demise. They seem to be acting as normal but their colouring comes and goes. Any clues or advise gratefully received.

Thanks ...


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My book asks; are the fish losing weight and show a sharp edge to the ridge of the dorsum? The body sinks in, the fish darkens in colour. The eyes can also sink in.

If the answer is yes - probably affected with internal flagellates or worms.

If the answer is no - TB or dropsy may be possibilities

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Thanks for this information Caryl. I will treat for internal worms as going by information gathered on the net, there is no cure for TB. If it is TB it doesnt look good for the rest of my fish :( . Can you or anyone please recommend a worm treatment and any other advice is appreciated.



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Nimbus...those with more experience can advise you the best.

But, I have seen here that some people give cat's worm medicine to their fish...so those who have will surely help you out there!

Caryl...this book, it sounds like an excellent one...what's its name?

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I'd go for TB, and make sure that they are in Quarantine.

Prepare for the worst.

I suppose others will have their views, so I'm just giving you what I would think and do.

Mind you, I wouldn't have got them skinny gutted in the first place.

The old story that they haven't been feed yet, doesn't ring true, if that was what you were told.

On the happy side tho, EJ has some fantastic, self bred, young ones ready for sale.

Get hold of him and check them out.

Alan 104

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Thanks for your response Alan. After receiving Caryl's reply I decided I would treat them for parasites, since TB is untreatable. I havent managed to source a treatment as yet... will try again tomorrow. But considering your comments ... and bearing in mind I don't have a quarantine tank ... to euthanaise seems my only option, since TB is fatal and my other fishes are at risk. Okay... so heres the thing... feeling this is the appropriate course of action, how do I go about it? Everything I have read about euthanaisia (spelling???) says that pricking them in the brain is the kindest way to go ... but I really do not have the stomach for this. I would find it much easier to put them in a plastic bag and stick them in the freezer, but this is apparently one of the crueliest things one can do. I know I am being a pussy here, but I really feel caught between a rock and a hard place. Any suggestions gratefully received.

Also... would a lfs (and a supposedly reputable one) knowingly sell sick fish??? I am a bit of a trusting soul and tend to take what folk say to me at face value.

Feeling a bit depressed but remaining hopeful ...



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Sounds like worms, TB spreads reasonably quickly and shows a more of a defined bend in the spine rather than hollow stomach.

Worms in fish are just as commin as in dogs and cats. You will notice that after you have fed the fish within an hour or so that the fish will look skinny again.

Crush up one drontal all wormer plus tablet for dogs upto 10kg. Add to a 20L bucket and stir into 20l of aquarium water.

You need to catch all your fish out and put them into the bucket, if you have many fish divide them up so that you will not put them through to much stress. Leave them in for 40 minutes, NO LONGER, remove any fish show signs of stress imediately.

When you net the fish out have a close look in the net and you will see heaps of little hairlike worms, EW.

Worm eggs can be excreeted by the fish and can live in the gravel until picked up by the next fish, dang! These pesky critters can also be carried by snails... so when you get some new plants there they are again, and new fish can also re-introduce them :(

Do a repeat dose after a few months if you suspect a repeat infestation.

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Thanks for that Michelle, I'm sure a lot of fish-keepers including my self, will do a little copy and paste on that suggestion.

To kill the fish, I just throw them hard onto the concrete floor of my fishroom.

IMHO, the fish feel no pain and are dead as soon as fish and floor become one.

It's not hard to do.

But I would like to know why you haven't got a spare tank for a quarantine area.

I believe that before you keep fish you should always have two tanks, and that's just for starters.

Alan 104

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Thanks for that information Michelle, it is very much appreciated.

Alan, I have no answer as to why I don't keep a quarantine tank and there are probably lots of things I "should" be doing when keeping fish but don't for various reasons :oops:.

And I will be trying Michelles suggestion before introducing my fish to the concrete floor.



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