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Dwarf cichlids and other community fish


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Hi guys, i decided over the weekend on impulse to use my spare tank as a dwarf cichlid tank, so went out and got some new fishies, except i didnt do my homework first (which i usually do).

I think i was slightly misinformed and so I ended up with 2 kribs, 1 albino krib, 1 firemouth and 1 giraffe hap. From what I've read since then, the firemouth and the hap are not going to be suitable for a small happy tank. Theyre going to get much too big for this 110L~ tank.

So im figuring i'll need to get rid of those two. What else would it be safe to put in there? Cockatoo apsito maybe? they look ok. Some rams?

Also, you reckon some giant danios would go ok in there?, i'd quite like to move them out of the tank theyre in if they can hold their own.

And are there any loaches/plecs that would go well in there? I know BN's would be ok.



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Hi LS,

Are you part of our local club yet? Haven't met you at any of the KMAC meetings. Giant Danios are pretty tough and dwarf cichlids aren't typically agressive, so you should be fine.

The firemouth and giraffe hap are definitely NOT dwarfs and could cause trouble later on down the line. I'd keep them together until you have problems but if you have a place to put them more permanent, go for it.

Where did you see cockatoos? A member of our local fish club named Winston was selling on some Blue Rams that he bred. We got 4 of them and they're amazing (currently in with our discus). Highly recommend trying to get some through him over spending $18 each at the LFS.

Have fun with the kribs, they're cuties. If you need an adult male albino down the line, Hutt Pets has had one for a while now...

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Hi B&K,

No I'm stilll not a member of the club. Havent had time to attend any of the meetings yet so seemed pointless.

I think the danios would probably be fine yeah. As for the hap and firemouth, I'll probably let them get a bit bigger (theyre about 1 1/4") and then sell/swap em.

Havent actually seen cockatoos lately, pretty sure there were some at the LFS in the past though.


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Yeah, they go pretty fast. I think the last two cockatoos I know of around here are getting treated for white spot and being sent down to Invercargill :( Hopefully someone else around here has some!

Quick question - who sold you a firemouth and a hap as "dwarf cichlids"? There's quite a few people in KMAC that have cichlid tanks that will take them from you when you're ready... or Hutt Pets might swap. I'd check with the KMAC members first tho.

As for what to put in I HIGHLY recommend rams (again)


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