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Got a new tank today


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Well, not exactly "new".

I sold one of my goldfish tanks, with 6 fish, thinking I could use the money from that to buy more tropicals etc.

My partner happened to mention to the landlord that I was looking to buy a bigger tank eventually, and he said "I've got one in the shed". So he hauled out this dust covered monstrosity, and it is now mine :D

It measures 800mm long, 600-ish mm high and and 400mm front to back. So nearly twice the size of the goldfish one I sold today. It only seems to be 5ish mm glass. Is that okay? It has 3 bracing things across the top. I assume he has made it himself at some stage as he works for a glass place.

Yay! Am very excited. I'd already decided that I want to get some Angels to put in my hexagonal, which means I'd need another tank to put my neons in (so they don't get eaten), and I've still got my smaller cold water tank with 4 goldfish in.

My partner informed me today that I needed to buy something big and colourful because the neons are boring and it just looks like an empty tank :lol: They are currently in the hexagonal, which is 60-ish L. I tried explaining that I was building up my community slowly and our lfs didn't have much of a choice anyway. I also don't think he realises the price of fish!

So will have to get stuck in and clean the new tank (any suggestions for getting off the grime, other than plain old water and elbow grease?) I also have to buy a couple of new heaters, air pump, more gravel, etc etc to set it up. I may also put a few real plants in the big tank, and perhaps a big chunk of driftwood if I can find the right sort of piece. So it's a wee while away from being ready for any fishes yet.

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