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Greetings to all!

I'm a bit new to all this, I've just bought myself a 5.5L ank, kind of small I know, but I'm going to be upgrading in a couple of months to something a bit more roomy :-P

At the moment, I have 4 White Cloud Minnows, a couple of plants (god knows what they are!). I have an Elite799 air pump, and an under-gravel filter by Hagen.

My little fishies do seem to be happy in their tank, but I'm sure they'll be very grateful when I buy a much larger tank for them.

I just thought that I'd let my presence be known, and rest assured that I'll be watching the posts, and jumping in with my two cents worth! :-)

Thanks all!

Aqua :D

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Hi there Aqua (I like the name :) ) Welcome to the fishy forum. When you upgrade I suggest that you get the biggest tank you can afford for then youhave a bigger buffer from any beginners mistakes <---this has been my experience.

Are you testing the water for the ph and Nitrate levels. That was the biggest best thing I did when starting. That and not overfeeding the fish. :roll:

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RE: the tests; I have to answer with a big "no"... I've been told that my little fishes are rather hardy, so I wasn't really sure how necessary any tests really are...

Probably a big bad, n'est pa?

The fish tank I was looking at is pretty big, about the size most petshops seem to display their fish in...

One question I've just thought of is, will the movement from the air filter make the flake food sink faster? I'm sure it's not really important, but I want to know now :P

Oooh - and just to alleviate any confusion, I *do* have a coldwater tank... Not ready for tropical yet, I think!!! :lol:

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Hi Aqua, and welcome to the fishroom.

Whether the flake sinks faster depends on how strong the water flow is. It shouldn't be a problem for the fish though.

I have kept white clouds in the past myself. They are a lovely fish and can be kept in cold or tropical water.

I didn't know they made tanks that small! Are you using one of those "Kritter Keeper" plastic ones?

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yeah, it's basically a new version of the old glass fishbowls :P

Yeah, I have been told the minnows are good to start with, thank god! :D

Actually - how easy is it to get them to breed? And how do I tell which ones are boys, and which are girls???

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Hi there Aqua,

Glad you joined the forum, real nice to see someone "local" although you are several hours away :)

Great little fish you have, and a good starting point.

Tanks are like fish... they tend to breed once you get deeply involved with the hobby, so there's heaps of advice on this forum that will guide you through setting up and all the tech stuff that seems to pop up all the time.


Bill (Pegasus)

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They will happily breed with no special help.

The males are slimmer, brighter coloured, and have larger dorsal and anal fins than the females. They need more room to breed in though and my book recommends a breeding tank of 50 - 100 litres with plenty of plants.

Mine were breeding in a 60cm x 30 x 30 tank.

White clouds have also been called the poor man's neon. They are a lot hardier than neons though in my experience!

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Great to hear that they'll get to business themselves! :P

Actually, was kind of wondering, are white clouds territorial at all? I had one (I think it was a male) that seemed to chase all the others out of the 'swimming' area they had. He's not displaying the behaviour now, but that could be because I've just changed the gravel & put the U/g filter and another plant in! :P

I'll keep watching 'him' and see if he keeps the behaviour up..

Thanks for all the replies so soon!!! :lol:

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