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New goldfish!


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OMG...my son just came in with 3 new goldfish for me and a big can of goldfish food and a can of tropical food...I didn't have the heart to tell him I wasn't going to put anymore in the tank...oh well, must start planning for a new tank :D

That now puts 5 goldfish and 2 ottos in the 10 gallon...how long do you think I can get away with it...assuming they all survive.

Have to go and get them ready for tank...OMG :o

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Oh my!

What kind of goldfish did he get you and how big are they at the moment? Sometimes surprise gifts are a little too surprising!

Assuming the new fish are all still small you could get away with things for a short while but they will appreciate more room and since they are messy fish a larger volume of water. The goldfish forums recommend a minimum of 10 gallons for each fancy goldfish (more for commons).

What is the turnover of your filter? An extra filter could help in the mean time. And I know that you will keep an eye on the water parameters. There could be a spike in your cycle with the introduction of three extras (just when you got your other tank cycled too!). How quickly the nitrates build in the tank will help you determine the frequency of water changes once the system has adjusted. You may need to do larger or more frequent changes depending on what readings you get.

Best of luck and don't forget to take photos!


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OMG... :o:o ...all fantails...I think...OMG

They are bigger than my other fantail...sorry pics aren't very good, new so they don't know they're supposed to pose...OMG

He was trying to cheer me up...and he did...but...OMG 3 more goldfish!

Here they are:




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Thanks mustcooktea!

I'm just so shocked...yah, I will keep an eye on the parameters that's for sure. When I first looked, his girlfriend was passing me the food, then he brings out the fish. First I thought there was only 1, closer...2...closer...not a reflection there are THREE!

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Thanks :P:P

Yah, I love them...and you're right...3 more names...was looking at them when I came in for work and thought of one name (for the one you like mustcooktea)...but... :lol: :lol: forgot it already :roll: :-?

He was so sweet to get them for me :P:P:P

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