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How to take fish home?


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This is a long weekend...YIPPEE...and I'm going to my sister's tomorrow (Friday) after work.

I'm going to check out some pet stores on my way home Monday. "IF" I wanted to get any fish, how could I take them home safely.

I know somebody told me before...but I can't find it :oops:

Depending if I can get them and where...probably anywhere from 2-4 hour drive home.

Any and all suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated. :hail::hail:

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Caper, by going to "SEARCH" at the top of the page, I typed in TRANSPORTING"

and about the third one down found this

http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/transp ... t7119.html

There are more there if this isn't enuf.

Have a good holiday and watch out for stupid drivers on the road.

Make sure your tank is ready for your new fish too.

Oh did I say, your Quarantine Tank??

Silly me, missed it.

Well you know what to do.

Alan 104

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Lucky you Caper, a long weekend and fish shopping. It doesnt get much better :D:D . When I buy fish I always transport them home in a soft chillybin (not sure what you call them over their, eskie maybe), just to help keep the temperature stable.

Have fun and let us know what you got :wink:

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THANKKKKKKKKKKKK YOU :hail::hail::hail:

This is as close to a vacation that I'll get this year so I am looking forward to it 8)

Would a small insulated...sort of an oversize lunch bag kinda thing do?

I was thinking I could put some bubble wrap in to protect the fish...what do you think?

:oops: :oops: Darn...I still don't have a quarantine tank. I was going to get one next week...this trip was just decided on.

If I were to get just a small tank, could I put water in from my established tank...would that work?

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I often use those cooler bags to transport fish, they are ideal. Just took delivery of some today which had an overnight stay in their plastic bag (nicely double bagged too) then a 3 hour ferry trip in the boot (trunk) of a car. They have now been floated, equalised, then freed into a bare 50cm x 30 x 30 tank with a tight fitting lid (as required by killifish). All I have to do is keep them alive until Aug 26th when they will be rebagged for their 10 hour drive to Marty in Dunedin.

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THANK YOU :bow::bow::bow:

I placed the fish inside insulated bags & used bubble wrap...they arrived home safely :P

Apparently Monday is not a good day to buy fish, not many! Didn't get to the big pet store in Halifax, so just a couple of small ones on the way home.

But I did manage to get: dalmation platy, mickey mouse platy, (red platy who apparently disappeared today :( ), 2 white cloud minnows.

So far, except the red one, they seem to be doing well. Time will tell.

Thanks again for all the help :bow::bow:

Oh, Caryl....trunk (boot)...I would not have guessed that one :lol:

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Great to hear, platties are pretty neat and don't be surprised if you have a number of platty babies in the near future :lol:

From what I've read on the net though, I think White Cloud Mountain Minnows prefer to be in large groups. I'm getting 10 of them on the weekend that I'm going to try and breed, apparently they're one of the easiest egg layers to.

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OMG...the platty that I couldn't find...searched and watched for....just walked by the tank...and boom there he is!

I have all males, Hummingbird, not ready for babies :roll: :roll:

The only other fish they had at the pet store (for a community tank) was the white cloud minnows. I had read about them awhile ago but I wasn't sure if they were a schooling fish, thought they were. I asked the lady and she said no 2 would be fine. Let me see...could it be because that was all she had was 2...darn. Yeah, I checked again and they are a schooling fish.

Oh...Puffball is sitting in front of me rubbing his face on mine looking for attention :lol: :lol: :lol:

The fact that I only have 2 do you think they'll be ok?

they're one of the easiest egg layers to

Yep, I read that about the minnows too...oh dear :o

I walked by the tank...not the fish :lol:

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Smart thinking with getting all males. Sword tails can change sex and Platties are closely related to them, I don't know if they can too, or if they can change both ways(male to female and vice versa) or not.

Are the Minnows in the same tank with the Black Neons and the other neons? They might school with them, they're similarly sized and whatnot..

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