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Poor guppies fins!


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One of the new guppies I bought yesterday seemed to be fine last night. Just fed them and noticed this one wasn't eating. On closer inspection, his tail fin and one of his pectoral fins looks as if they have been nipped. I really don't remember them looking like that last night.

He's not swimming like he was and...hmmm how to describe...it's like his tail and the part attached to it...sorry not explaining good...seem to droop down sometimes!

Will the fins grow back? The "droopy" thing...is that sign of something serious? Do you think he will die?

ANY AND ALL OPINIONS, SUGGESTIONS, ETC....will be appreciated :bow::bow:

Oh...I also added the aquarium salt last night...could this have anything to do with it????

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It is possible he has been attacked by another fish and had his fins nipped. If so, they should grow back. He will be at the top trying to stay out of the way. He isn't gasping is he? That would indicate a different problem.

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He didn't make it :(

Caryl, when I took him out his tail fin...how to explain? His tail fin was yellow and when I took him out it almost looked like it was "painted" and the "paint" was coming off. About half way up the tail, was like it lost its color so to speak.

Ever hear of that. Of course, only got him yesterday and I can usual count on a death :(

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Really hard to tell caper. May have been stressed being caught in the shop or on the trip home. If he wasn't as hardy as the others he just didn't cope. Hopefully the others will be fine. How far from home to shop? I would be asking about a refund (depending on their policy) as if the others are fine it is most likely a fault with the fish rather than the tank conditions.

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That's the problem Caryl!

Not distance, only a 5 minute drive or so.

I hate to repeat but as I've said only 2 places to get fish 1 pet store & 1 dept. store.

Last week I went out to the pet store. Hadn't been there in a while. They don't have alot of fish and not many tanks. But this time...the tanks WERE A MESS :evil: There was one tank that had a sign on it "big cichlid" half price. Welllllllll, the tank was that dirty you could hardly see the poor fish only because he was so big, may not have seen him at all. The other tanks weren't in much better shape. I basically walked right back out because the owner wasn't there. They were never anything fancy like you would see in a "true" pet store but they had always been clean before.

So, the dept. store. All but 2 of the fish I have came from here. They were having some major problems with fish dying awhile back...I mean alot of fish dying as soon as they were getting them...they stopped getting fish for quite awhile.

Anyway, I know you shouldn't get a fish that has just arrived but if you don't get them within a day or 2...there is hardly a fish left. They go super fast. Hence, the poor fish haven't had a chance to get over one stress then you're taking them home! But right now, there is no other way to get fish here.

Considering the only time so far...thank you God...that I have had fish die it's been when they are new. The store has a 24 hour return if fish dies :x

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