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How to determine sex?


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Hey guys and gals. Just wanted to know how to determine the sex of my plecos. Common ones, brown, spotty, stripey. Any info would be much appreciated, as I can't seem to find much anywhere else. Thought I'd look it up first, before I asked a supid question, but here I am, asking the people I probably should have in the first place :oops: .



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common plecs are bred but you cant in a tank as they need mud to spawn in, as they dig tunnels in the mud and thats were they breed and people in asian countries breed them in big dams and i believe a person in Austrailia does aswell.The reason for breeding B/N's is that they only grow to max 15cm yet a full grown plec can get around 35cm+ and also the fact that they need mud and Bn spawn in anything :D

cheers Kyle

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Thanks for the excellent info Kyle. Bummer. Might have to get some more tanks for B/Ns. Up to three tanks already, got our first aquarium about three weeks ago!! :D MTS here we come!!!



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