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Hi all :)


2 male guppies

1 male red wag platy

3 neons m/f?

3 black neons m/f?

Snowman...I think you recommended more platies & neons.

Is there anything else I can add? I can't find the post where I asked before...so forgive me if I'm repeating myself :oops:

Platies & guppies...can I add more males, don't want females if I don't have too?

Thanks folks,


Oh...just on another note :roll: Went to the dept. store that sells fish yesterday...hoping to get another goldfish. DISGUSTING...there was one poor fish, I'm not sure of the name...white, red cap, supposed to be fantail I think...looked as if half the fish was GONE...poor little guy was still alive nose down and just his...um...front fins left.

So, go to the next tank...I think it was a calico fantail...I think I got the name right...anyway...

All the other fish in tank seemed to be fine...and he was the most active. Until I watched for a while & realized he was just swimming up and down with the right side facing out...when he did turn...his eye was all black and bigger...also looked liked a sore spot behind eye in front of gill.

Needless to say...I didn't get a fish. Doing water changes tomorrow & hope to get to pet store on Monday.


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if you have only males there is there any really problem getting lots of them? Without any females they won't have anyone to pesister.

If i was you i'd get a few more really awsome male guppies and try a few high finned Male platies i think these guys look really good, just like ordinary platies but their top fin lots more like a giant dorsal fin.

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You can have all males so get more male guppies and platies (although platies are good at changing sex when required).

Most small community fish will go with what you have. Harlequins or other rasboras, cherry barbs, pencilfish, rummy noses, cardinals, glowlights, lemon, yellow, phantom, emperor, black widow or bleeding heart tetras, pristellas, danios, etc. Not tiger barbs though as they tend to nip tails. Rosy barbs should be ok though.

Lots of others but what we can get here isn't necessarily what you can get there.

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i've had problems with rosy barbs and male guppies so maybe not the best combination. But i argee with caryl, any of those would be good, you could get a couple of different schoals which would look good.

I do quite like tanks with only a couple of species though, ie platies and guppies

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Thanks Bluetom & Caryl!

Sorry didn't answer sooner...had to go back to Halifax again!

Due to circumstances...my tanks haven't had a water change in 3 WEEKS...I just got home so will be going to get bottled water so I can do changes before anything else happens :-?

I'll do the water changes then maybe go see if I can get more fish.

Thanks again for the advice. What about sailfin (right name I think) mollies?

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Hi Caper

How's everyting and how's your friend who had the heart op?

Bottled water seems an expensive way to go. Can you get some water ager and use tap water?

I think Mollies prefer brackish water but will be ok in fresh water - not sure about that though



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Hi Jude!

How are you? Thanks for asking about my friend (see off topic jude), we had to go back to Halifax last Sunday by ambulance :evil:

I was wondering about the mollies because the first time I tried them (on advice of dept. store) they hassled my goldfish like crazy...had to get rid of them.

I've seen the sailfin mollies but wasn't sure if I could put them in my 29 gallon or not. My 10 gallon only has Sam (goldfish) and a new calico fantail, oh & the 2 otto's. The 29 gallon only has tropicals in it so that's why I was wondering about the sailfin mollies.

How are your fishies doing?

Hi Niloc!

Does your friend just have the 1 sailfin mollie? I haven't had time lately to read up on them but will do so. I was told that they might eat the tetra's...has your friend had any trouble in that regard?

Thank you folks!

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