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dwarf gouramis


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You could try Goldfish Pagoda, he would probably order them in for you and he's not far from you...

White crust between tank and stand??? Do you have polystyrene between the tank and stand or is that the white crust you are talking about?

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You'll have a prob with the paradise, with nipping with other fish.

Nice fish all the same, and of course can be kept in a cold water tank, even in a pond outside thrughout the year,

as long as your temp. doesn't get too low.

You know, like Dunners at the moment.

Alan 104

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No the crust is due to the condensation and when I open the lid to feed

it leaks down one side i think my house is wok or else the tanks to heavy for the floor and its leaning slightly to one side.

Tank to big - its not going to be moved so occationally there is water down the side and it leaks between the tank and the stand and

if you dont clean it all up it turns crusty white.

Guess its the salt and chemicals - anyway its disgusting!!

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