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Everything posted by whitecrust

  1. From my post I put all my tank para. by all the nil values it is obvious that I am not new to the hobbie. I was generally upset when I wrote the post and I wanted to understand what if anything I had done wrong. I realise that its just a fish and not in most peoples books worthy of proper care or love but I assumed that everyone on the fnzas site was or had experts in their ranks that could say. Hey... could be blah blah - Not that it could have been lonely which was not the case as he was not a shy fish as per original post or stressed - and that I should have researched and a lesson learned. I was after your valuable opinion... if say I had 0.50ppm ammonia or say 10ppm of nitrate you could have said hey newbie your water para. are crap thats why it died. Then the Research would have been a good call. But when I was doing everything everything by the research that I had done and I get that when I was already feeling terrible for killing something that was in my care and had grown to trust me I felt like crap. I dont post here often but I did remember seeing someones post about an elephant fish and I thought hey someone else has had one maybe they can help me understand. But I have to go now and see the pet shop owner that I purchased the elephant nose off and advise them that I may have been the cause of death - I dont want to have someone replace something at their cost if I was the reason it died. Thankyou all again for your time and I do recommend an elephant nose for anyone that has the time to care for them and interact - coz they are merry little buggers
  2. No Ill be getting another one - but im going to drain the tank and re:cycle it without salt. Im a firm believer in salt - but now ive learnt a valuable lesson and ill just salt my eels and parrots - and fish and chips once in awhile We keep our tank para. the same im glad. And I do keep charcoal in the tank. I do believe that my fish was rather more active then negative guys ones to because I interacted with it - they have a very large brain for their size and some people believe that their cir.cortex is bigger then a human - but no one can actually test its intelligence. Im also Glad that someone has something positive to say rather then a lesson learned and research your fish - that is so condisending I do love my fish and try to ensure that they are the happiest that they can be whilst confined to a glass cube. God bless my little Honker and I hope he enjoys playing silly buggers in the great glass cube in the sky.
  3. Salt They cannot tolerate the normal levels of salt - water change day before yesterday added Doc Wellfishes aquarium salt. Normal dosage. Pity that I had to find this on some obscure site after the fact. But maybe this incident will help others in the future. Thanks all for your time.
  4. The clicking is sonar like a bat they use it to move around the tank. I did all my research before getting this fish - and I made sure that I had the correct habitat before bringing him/her home. And I keep my tanks damn clean. As I said this fish was not shy and was very outgoing - I even used to put in a ball of tin foil as I read on the internet and Yes they do play with them !! Live foods this fish was given every opportunity to eat anything it wanted I spend $50 on foods for this fish including live foods and it preferred Bloodworms and flake food. An expensive lession yes I think so but no on my part - when elephant noses get stressed they lose colour - my fish was ALWAYS black and when it was dying it was still black. This fish was not stressed. I have done nothing wrong - hence my post I would like to know from others that have had this and kept them in the best environment just to have them die in an unexplained way. Yes it it true that they like company but i didnt have $300 to purchase 3 - and having 2 is just trouble according to research. And the reason why I know that it had stopped clicking is because I have hooked up an amp so that I can listen to it - when they click more htey are stressed or their water is not suitable - the clicking just stopped meaning that it had something wrong with it. So now any answers?
  5. I have not medicated the tank for anything. The only additives to the tank are a tad of aquarium tonic salts and water conditioner. Nothing has changed - I was frantic last night checking the water parama - watching and praying. Any other ideas? I really like this fish but i dont want another if they are so easily killed... could it be an internal parasite? It was eating well like i said and was black - I have seen the fish stressed when I originally purchased and it was very transparate colour with a red belly - but when it died it was pitch black so no stressed only thing arye would be the swimming problems - it was leaning to one side then it would pick itself up and swim around the tank ok then collapse to the gravel then do it all over again. I ut on my microphone to hear its clicking hoping to get some more information but unfortunately it wasnt doing it - so whatever happened knocked its sonar out. Any other ideas like I say like the fish but i dont want to kill another
  6. Hi All Tank - 6.8ph - nil amon nil nitrates nil nitrites. temp 27.9 Elephant nose dead. No visable wounds - in tank with 2 cories 1 borneo sucker and 2 dwarf gouramis. Was eating fine - bloodworm - chiclid tucker - heart and liver - rogue tucker and flake (he wasnt fussy) then last night swimming on the side... then would drop to bottom of tank like was dead then move and float around... This morning dead.... what could have happened?? I have bagged him up to take him back to the place of purchase to see what they will do about this as he was over $100 anyone have any ideas?? He was a friendly fellow and was always out swimming and would come to the front of the tank when you walked in the room.
  7. exactly but they were a gift. Just bummed at their colours - yellow great apricot not so great but hey ill have them till they die or I sell them which ever comes first.
  8. No the crust is due to the condensation and when I open the lid to feed it leaks down one side i think my house is wok or else the tanks to heavy for the floor and its leaning slightly to one side. Tank to big - its not going to be moved so occationally there is water down the side and it leaks between the tank and the stand and if you dont clean it all up it turns crusty white. Guess its the salt and chemicals - anyway its disgusting!!
  9. Yeah hes number 1 I gave him my old tire track eel about 3 weeks ago as it was getting to big and I felt sorry for it. Hes a good man!! no a great man!! I never go anywhere else - but like all fish addicts i NEED ONE NOW! I cannot wait to order
  10. They are blood parrots. I just divided all my tanks up and sold most of my fish to the LFS - coz hes a wonderful guy!! beats jansens up the wazoo hate jansens. Now its just the 2 fire parrots 1 is bright yellow the other is still deciding what he wants to be....... still black striped but about 8-10cm long with an apricot head Yuck!! hoped he would be burgandy damn it. Living in the tank with 3 borneo suckers (the banjo brothers) 2 bronze cories 2 paradise fish -( rocket and pocket )- (these guys are bloody brilliant they have filled my 200 ltre pond outside with about 8 adults and lots and lots of babies!!! best outside fish ever-goldfish are just dirty) and 2 eels - a ladder ( about 6 years old never grew ) and a tire track tigger and eel!! everyone gets on well now Do you have any actual information about fire parrots got them as a gift and I cannot get much info on them. They are different to blood yes? they are the orange and red ones - something about - severum/midas/convict something cannot work out the Jelly beans!! but im sure a firemouth has something to do with it
  11. Hi Everyone Question anyone no where to buy these from? Im in Howick Auckland And how much? Thinking of converting one of my tanks and I loooove paradise fish - same family so hey
  12. Hi All First time posting - long time fish owner. Hey all Question: how can you tell the sex of parrot fish? i did the buy 6 and see which ones pair off and swim together - I think I did it correctly because the ones that I have now are from different fish shops and have get on great. Second Question: Can you keep parrots with a pair of convicts - I have one at the moment only little maybe 50c piece - think it coiuld be a male as it has pointy fins ( name: Mr Furious ).
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