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Pregnant neons?


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I'm not sure whether these neons are pregnant or just stealing all the food, the only info i can find on breeding neons is that they are too hard and don't try.

I haven't tried but was just wondering if prehaps it could have just happened. They're all in a schoal of 11.



Sorry bout low resolution pics

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They could well be females full of eggs - not the same as being pregnant though - since during spawning the eggs are scattered about the place at the same time as the male releases his milt. There's only a limited number of fish that give birth to live young - guppies, platies, mollies and swordtails being the most common ones.

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carrying eggs = gravid

Yes, your neons could be gravid. I can only assume they would be egg scatterers. With these kinds of fish, the males dance for the females and then they pair off and "court" followed by spawning. Helps if you happen to have them do this next to driftwood so you can actually see the eggs (before they get eaten by the other fish). If you do get breeding scatterers, just put them in a tank with marbles and let them do their thing. You'll learn more about breeding once you have some babies to deal with :)

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spawning neons:-

tank - 30x20x20cm is all they need.

temp - 18C-22c

water - rain water

substrate - thin layer of socked peat ( this will make the water acidic :D )

spawning site - small clump of:- spawning moss, java moss , nz native moss, christmas moss or equivlent.

add 1 male and 1 very fat female , black the tank out any way you can.

they should spawn the next morning - remove adults - leave covered for 5 days then feed bbs and see what you have . :lol:

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Yes Shae

Gravid = pregnant.

Socked = soaked

It won't be all around the tank if put in wet, tho socked soaked peat is a good idea, as then the peat won't be through the tank and can be removed when the pH is at the required level.

Don't rush to check the eggs or newly hatched babies as they are are highly sensitive to light.

Alan 104

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  • 2 weeks later...

YES thats right Bluetom

the fry will take "newly hatched" bbs on day 5.

as the fry are sensative to light it may pay, on day 5 to feed just a little bbs but leave covered.

after 10 min shine a light in the tank to see if the fry are eating ( brite orange bellys).

if they are remove the cover.

good luck

ps if it does not work this time , try, try, try again

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