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Hi, just signed up.

So much useful information, I've already learnt alot from whats being said.

Tanks i have.

55L community


Siameese male

2 Platies

3 Peguin Tetras

6 guppies

2 golden chinese agae eaters

Borneo Sucker

140L African

4 kenyi

5 blue peacocks

3 Auratus

5 Convicts

(all still junvinilles)

Hope to learn alot more and help anywhere i can.


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Hi Bluetom and welcome. A lot of members here can't spell so don't worry about it :lol:

Tell you what has really annoyed me though. :evil: We have had a tagger at work overnight in one of our main streets. Now, you would think spraying "EAT S**T" would be easy but he spelt the last word wrong! And no, he didn't use ** either :lol: He did miss out the I though. For goodness sake! If you can't spell a simple 4 letter word don't display your ignorance on other people's fences!!

Rant over.

Welcome to the fishroom Bluetom :lol: I have a L Malawi tank myself.

A few of meet in the chatroom around 9pm so perhaps we will see you there one night.

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Hi Bluetom...and welcome!

Spelling...oh my...I'm afraid if I had to use the spelling for fish names...people wouldn't know if I was talking about :o It amazes me when I see them spelling names...that I can't even pronounce let alone spell!

This is a great place here...people...well, if you have seen any of my post...you know I love the folks here...they are super!

Take care!

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