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Will be gone...what to do?


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Good morning all!

I'm going to Halifax tomorrow....my friend is having his surgery Tuesday, maybe be there a little over a week (hopefully, as this will mean everything has gone fine). This will be the longest time away from fish.

I know that feeding isn't a big issue...chances are son will not be up in morning to give them their morning feeding (always fed once in a.m. & p.m.)...can't quarantee what time he'll be feeding. I always fed the same time...if he doesn't, will this stress them???

I'm going to do my water change today in the 10 gallon. So, that should be ok till I get home.

But the new tank, it's up and running for a week now. I bought 2 guppies the other day who...so far...seem to be fine. There active little buggers :o So, this tank is 29 gallons (110L), so will do water change today with this one as well. Being the new tank, 27L change would that be right?

In, the 10 gallon, all I use is bottled water. Starting the new tank off I used tap water. Only found out yesterday that he'd be having his surgery next week. Was a little stressed out...oh heck...a lot...forgot to get tap water to sit. Shoot...need more buckets :-? Will it be okay to use the bottled water for the change?

I'm soooooooo glad I have my fish tanks, the only thing that has been keeping my sanity lately...that is if I have any :-?

Thanks any and all help will be greatly appreciated as usual :P

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Thanks Caryl :P

No, I'm still home. Saturday morning here...going Sunday.

How have you been...haven't seen you here in awhile?

I guess it seems crazy that I'm worrying about my fish when he's having open heart surgery. But really, this is what is helping me keep my sanity. Stops...thinks...how to get fish tanks in my car :roll: :wink:

I bought the guppies Thursday evening. I think I might wait till I get back home before adding (not all at the same time!) my fishies from the 10 gallon, was going to get my son to do this...but maybe I should wait...what do you think?

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You are going to be busy then...hope you had a great holiday :D

The fact that I started new tank with tap water and will now use the bottled for my water change, that should be ok, right? I'm sorry you folks must think I forget everything you've taught me so far :oops:

With new tank, 27L should be enough. I know it's 25% but that is for all sizes of tanks, right? I'm sorry you folks must think I forget everything you've taught me so far :oops: Just feeling stressed out...I'm sorry.

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Hi Caper, don't stress! Go and sit down and watch your nice, calming, relaxing fish for a while and everything will be fine. Your fish will be fine while your away, even if they don't get fed, they will have your tank spotless by the time you get home! Hope everything goes well for your friends surgery.

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Thanks Maxy...I was up early planning to get some things done...but found I was just getting in my own way :o

So, fed my fishies...went for a drive...and then came here...love this place. You are all so kind, don't know what I'd do without you folks :cry:

I'm sorry Maxy...I didn't even ask how you are making out with your fishies?

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