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9 guppies, 1B/N & ????


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Ok ya'll here's a question. I have a lovely 3 foot tank with the above mentioned fish in it. I've been looking and looking at other fish to put with them, after the tank has matured more of cource. The tank has only live plants, aquarium "potting soil" under it's aproximately 3cm of gravel (in the front), and 2 reasonable sized pieces of drift wood.

Now my question is what other little fishies would be good here. Of cource I'm bound to end up with some neons. I'm quite drawn to the long finned danios aswell. What really calls to me, though, are the cichlids, especialy the kirb's. Here's my delema however, I don't want anything that's agressive, eats my plants or diggs up the substrain. :cry: I know frustrating eah? Any ideas people?

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If you don't mind the babies being eaten (and the adult guppies would do that anyway) how about golden barbs, rosie barbs, bristlenoses, corydora catfish, loaches (but watch out for clown loaches because I believe they uproot plants).

I have those fish plus a female siamese fighter, some currently small angels, golden and blue gouramis, and a couple of bolivian rams.

Platys might be good too and would add colour



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I do have 2 cory's in my baby tank. I transfer all the babies I can catch in there. I have to admit the cichlids are lovely but I don't want anything that's going to eat my plants, dig up the gravel and harass the little guppies :cry: I've heard the krib's are pretty mellow, anyone know of any other cichlids that would fit into the "for the most part not eating the plants, digging up the gravel or harassing the guppies"?

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sadily if I hadn't had the bright idea, wich I got from one of the MANY books I read after setting up my 2 foot tank, to put "aquarium potting soil" under the gravel I wouldn't mined the digging quite so much.

I do accept that the fish will have the odd munch on a plant and don't mined that, I just don't want my plants decimated :wink:

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If you are lookingfor some keyhole cichlids, east road pets had a few a couple of weeks ago, not sure if they still do, but if you are keen on some and they are out of stock maybe we could do a trade or something and you could have my two? They nibble my ambulia but havent uprooted anything and are very peaceful in my community tank. Just a thought...

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Thanks Mrskz but no thanks! I'm still recovering from my overstocked tank and ammonia issues, plus I have expecting mother guppies too so no dobt I'll have your problem eventually! Are you interested in a couple of keyholes? And did you find any local plant growers?

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I'd love to have a look at the keyholes but my tank wont be ready for them till it's a little older, a week or so if that's ok. I haven't found any local plant growers but I think PennyJane was thinking about taking it up. If you want to work out details of a trade I'll pm you my contact details.

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