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Hi from Wellington


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Hi all, we're new to aquariums in NZ and just setting up a 3ft show tank. So far we've gone from Discus (too much trouble, we're trying to keep it tame) to a African community tank and that might still change as we're still waiting for the tank to cycle before adding fish. So far we have picked out a network syno (featherfin catfish) and a leopard ctenopoma (spotted climbing perch) and thinking about some Congo Tetras and perhaps a cichlid or two in there. Any ideas/suggestions? Any local fishkeepers in the Wellington area give us a shout if you have any interesting african fish (or something else that might be suited) that we might be keen on.

Good meeting you all, great community and the forums are great!

Blue and Kim

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Welcome to the forums, i hope you find this site as usefull as i have, great people and awesome info that takes a lot of the confusion and head scratching out of fish keeping and breeding.

There are a lot of members from the Wellington area, you could look at joining a club that would share a wealth of knowledge and give some good ideas for tank setup and fish stocking.

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Quick replies, nice to see!

Shae, I understand you breed killifish. Is that your golden killis on TradeMe?

Anthony, I'm in Mt. Cook. Walking distance to anything... except fish shops.

Snowman, are there local Welly clubs? Point the way, I'm keen!

So, looking like cichlids will be joining the tank. Probably some electric yellows... seem placid enough....

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Hi Blue and Kim

Welcome to the site , there is a great local club called the Kapimana Club , we meet the last wednesday of each month and new members are always welcome.

where have you moves from ? and what fish have you kept in the past ?.

no mater what you decide to get theres people here that know there stuff and are more than willing to help in any way they can :)


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Heya Billaney,

We moved here from Holland two years ago. Kim has no experience with fish keeping in the past, but until 10 years ago I kept everything fresh from livebearers to exotics to discus. It's taken a while to get back into, but with our new tank, I think we're going to love it. Kim already caught the bug, hehe :)


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Hi Blue and Kim :P

This site is fantastic. There is so much information here and the people are so kind, patient, and have loads of information and knowledge.

I'm not even from New Zealand, Australia, or anywhere near but that does not mean a thing here. I'm a newbie and they have ALL been great, super, etc., etc.

Have fun & tank...oops...I mean take care :D

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LOL, hello to the weekend forumers! At least you had time to stop by and say hello on the weekend. Pleasure to meet you all.

Alan - actually, we got two Kribensis from Ballistic, that was a great call! They's still young (we look to make sure the ctenopoma didn't eat them every time we look in) and true characters, even at 3cm long. The bigger of the two (hopefully a male and female) even takes on the Congo Tetras when they get cheeky.


After setting up the tank and getting some neighbourly love going, we've decided to do a Discus tank after all. Not sure what is going to be compatible or not at the moment, but it seems we may have to part with a few of the newest additions. The last thing I need is the baby discus we get from New Zealand Discus being hurt by a crowd of boisterous Congos or nipped by the ctenopoma. So, if you all have any advice, this is the time we need it. This is what we have in the tank and what we're planning on having. Possible conflicts? Let us know!

1x 15cm Leopard Ctenopoma

1x 10cm Sydontis "Network" catfish

6x 6-8cm Congo Tetras

2x 2-3cm Kribensis


6x Discus from New Zealand Discus

4x Golden Black-eyed B/N from Snowman

For instance, I once saw a B/N try and "clean" a Discus, which wasn't pretty. Does this happen often? Do you think we should just chuck (sell) all our current fish and do the Discus tank? FYI, this is a 180ltr 3ft beveled tank.

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Have a look at the top of the page. It says Index, Search, FAQ, Chatroom (IRC) etc. Click on chatroom.When the cretificate thing comes up click on yes to accept it or you won't get into chat.

You must also have javascript installed on the computer. I think most modern computers come with it already in there but it can be downloaded free off the Net from a number of places.

Once in the chatroom you will see a list on the right telling you who is in the room. The main screen shows you what is being typed and at the bottom is a single line with your cursor flashing in it. Just type what you want and hit Enter and your conversation will appear in the bit above. You can change your font colour by selecting the one you want at the right hand end of the line you type in.

Hope to see you there!

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Hi Blue & Kim

at the top of this page about an inch or two from the top , slightly to the right of centre is a button "chatroom" just click and you will be magicly transported the the chat room :lol: :lol: seems to take a while theses days for it to start for me anyway.

good luck :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, one month later and the fish experience is great. Have met many awesome locals from this forum and the KMAClub. Here's an update on the tank and fish:

180ltr African tank - 3ft "beveled" tank and cabinet - you know the one, they're sold at every fish shop :)

1 Leopard Ctenopoma (Spotted Bushfish) - 6 inches

6 Congo Tetras - Phenacogrammus Interruptus - 2-3 inches each

3 Lyretail/Fairy Cichlids - Neolamprolougus Brichardi - 2-3 inches each

4 Kribensis - Pelvicachromis pulcher - 1-2 inches each

And the non-african clean-up crew

1 Chocolate Pleco

4 Golden Bristlenose Ancestrus

Overall a busy tank. Very active with a bit of jostling and pushing around, but overall a happy community with everyone settling in their own "hoods" and setting territory. Favourite fish - all of them! Was favouring the Congos as they were spawning, but will hopefully get some proper kids out of them with try #2 - a larger tank with proper substrate.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, time for a two month bump. So we've become accepting of our newly acquired MTS. We now have 3 full running tanks and one hospital tank. The 3ft beveled is still a primarily African tank with assorted bottom feeders. The Leopard Ctenopoma is a big ticket item as he swallows half-blocks of frozen bloodworms at one go during feeding time. Our amazing newest tank is a AR980 discus tank. You can see some pics of the discus tank here and the other tank is a 2ft tank with all the previous inhabitants of the AR980. Lots of guppies, neons & penguin tetras, WCMM and some very VERY cute young Blue Rams we acquired last week.

Here's some pics on Photobucket... we're still putting it all together, so scuze the mess and any empty albums!


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