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New Tank


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Sorry, didn't know where I should post this.

I bought a 29 gallon tank tonight :D:D No room to put a bigger one...and this was all I could get but at least now I can put my neons & platy in the bigger tank...and have Sam (goldfish) in the 10 gallon with a buddy or 2 once I get the other one set up.

The tank holds 110L it is 30" long, 1' wide, and 18 1/2" tall; I know it's not very big but the only choice I had.

I wanted to wait but we've been having really warm weather and I'm scared the temp was going to be too much for my goldfish to handle.

Question, after I get the new tank set up...do I need to keep a heater in with the goldfish????

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I've only had my 10 gallon since March and always had the heater in it.

Snowman, do you have your winter/summer opposite to ours. Our summer is June, July, & August. We've had really miserable summers the last 2 years. But the last 2 days it was 30 so was really concerned about the temp in the tank.

I can't wait...but know I have to...to get the new tank set up.

I went over to a neighbors tonight, they have a 35 gallon tank. When I asked her how often do you do a water change...usually once a year they give a tank a good scrub down...other than that the only water is what they use to top it up...CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT :o And they have had the tank for 7 years!

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Our summer is supposed to be Jan, Feb, Mar.

I asked about your winter to see how low the temp goes but considering the tank is inside i suppose you do what we do, crank up the heater LOL

You may find the neighbour has quite a few plants that will use up the nitrates produced in the tank.

I never have ammonia or nitrite due to the bacteria doing their job of converting it nitrate but do the water changes to keep the nitrate levels down.

Keep an eye on the tank temp as 30 is getting quite high for goldfish, a fan blowing on the surface of the water will cool it off if it gets to hot.

Waiting is the hardest part of keeping fish as the tank seems to cry out for fish LOL

The ottos are an awesome lil fish, i don't see mine often because they hide at the back getting the algae i can't get to :lol:

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I can't believe the difference the ottos have made. Before I would clean the plants and such...but they are doing it now :D

I tried putting the algae wafers (I think it was 3 times in the week since I've had them) once after awhile I took one out because the ottos weren't interested, only my goldfish. The other 2 times, not sure what happened to them. BUT, I do notice that I have a bit of "brown" looks almost like a sand on the white part of my subtrate and on one of my ornaments.

Could this be from "left over" wafers, if they were not eaten?

I have to go out shopping for my new tank since I only picked up a couple of artificial plants and rocks because I couldn't really tell what the tank looked like till I got it out of the box!

Not sure if I'm going to exchange the rocks for a different color or not. The bag I picked up was mulitcolored. Not much of a variety here. I like the blues, red, and white I have in the 10 gallon but wanted to get something different for the new one. Any suggestions? How would 1 color look? Have to look at pics of your tanks to get ideas.

Neighbours don't have real plants either!

Oh...another question :oops: The subtrate has some small pieces in it as well, I notice when my goldfish is digging around, he picks some up and just spits it back out...what about the ottos?

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Sorry more questions?

Once I have the tropicals out of the 10 gallon, do I just remove the heater or should I just keep decreasing the temp till it is down to "nothing"? But then like I said, temp has been warm here but don't want to do anything to cause distress to goldfish.

Will I need an air pump in the 29 gallon, have one in the 10 but don't want one in the 29 unless you suggest it?

I'm going to work on getting the tank setup this weekend in case we get the call to go to Halifax.

Oh...I know it won't be ready for the fish though...have to go read...especially the article Alan sent on cycling.

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It possibly is marks left from the algae wafers, may also be a form of algae, the darker substrate doesn't seem to get algae on it like the lighter stuff and is also less noticable.

The ottos will be fine with small pieces in the substrate.

You can turn the heater off in the 10 gal, leave it for 5-10 mins to cool off then remove it, with the temp you have the water will cool off slow enough that it won't stress the goldfish, an air pump depends on fish stock and surface area, what size is the tank? e.g. length, width, height, and how many fish and what sort of fish are in it.

A bubble wall can look attractive in a tank so that's another consideration.

Good to hear the ottos are doing their job :D

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The tank holds 110L it is 30" long, 1' wide, and 18 1/2" tall

Thanks Snowman :bow::bow:

Right now in the 10 gallon are:

1 goldfish

1 red wag platy

3 black neons

3 neons

2 ottos

So once new tank is ready everybody except goldfish is going in new tank :P

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Thats quite a low fish stock so you don't have to have an air pump but can if you want.

Once the tank is cycled you could easily add 3 more platties double the numbers of neons.

If you do add more fish i would add say 3 platties, wait 1 week (for the bacteria to catch up) then 3 more black neons, wait 1 week then 3 more neons.

There is a site that has usefull calculators for things like stocking levels, its


That should help with how much you can keep in the tank.

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Ummm.... :oops:

I can't figure out how the hood goes on. It is different than my other tank. In the book that came with it, it shows the corner top of frame with a "notch"...well I've been all around the top of the aquarium...and I do not see a notch, none at all!

The directions state, "Place hood in postion on aquarium top, making sure that hood corner pegs line up with frame corner notches. Hood should sit secrely on inside frame ledge. If movement occurs, recheck peg placement."

No notches, no pegs. :-? :-? Any ideas?

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I've been real busy lately so havent been in....couldnt log in just now either....but then remembered my 'P' key is dodgy and I have the letter 'P' in my password, lol..... so here I am...just wanted to say congratulations Caper on the new tank! You must be so excited...I bet Sam thinks it is pretty cool too to have the tank to himself.

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Thanks misnoma :bow::bow:

I've sat on the tank there is a "lip" on the top and it sat right on it. It does fit just fine but... I don't know, I'll call the toll free number Monday for customer service to see what they say. It sits on it just fine, so should be okay, do you think????

Hi Shelley!

Thanks, I am excited...new tank is not as big as I would have liked but unless I start throwing out furniture...hmmm....you never know :o it has to do for now. Just started to set it up yesterday so Sam is still sharing "his" tank with the others.

My son was out last night so I have to wait for him to get up to knock out the holes in hood to put on heater and filter. The section on the 10 gallon tank snapped out easily but this one it's solid and I don't know... :-? ...how to break them without breaking the hood. It's plastic, any ideas?

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Darn...piece is broken that holds the light in the hood...so will have to take back tomorrow (stores not open here on Sunday).

I'm going to put the filter on and heater in though...do I need to cover the tank with something? I'll have the hood tomorrow hopefully! It is okay I hope to put the heater in and filter on without hood...right :-? ?

Sorry another question...are you folks ready to kick me out of here yet :oops:

The heater that came with the tank ia 100 watt...but was just reading the side and it states "ideal for aquariums up to 25 gallons"...yet this is 29 gallons. But according to the chart on the side the next one would be a 200 watt "ideal for 50 gallons". So would it be correct to assume that the 100 watt will be sufficient since it would seem that 200 would be too much...want to keep fish alive and well, not cooked :o

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Okay what do you think...opinions please :hail:

Haven't decided yet if will put background on new tank or not, but then I don't like being able to see the filter and wires!


Too small????...just kidding new dish for pussycat's food :roll:




Sorry pics are so blurry...next time will take BEFORE I have one of those evil white things that make my hands shake.............cigarettes that is :D

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Snowman...just going throught the posts...30 outside, not in the tank :lol:

Our winters can get fairly cold, into the minuses, but not the bitter cold like up north, but still cold enough especially when there is a wind chill.

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The goldfish will be fine :D

Tanks looking good :lol:

I usually go for big heaters as they are thermostatically controlled, the only thing would be that if you compare the 100 watt to the 200 watt in your tank, during winter the 100 watt will be on a lot longer than the 200 watt because being a higher wattage it will heat the water much faster.

Remember the heater shuts off at the temp set by you so it cant overheat.

I always buy 300 watt as they are nearly the same price, on for a lot less time (less power consumption) and when you do get a bigger tank you dont need to buy another heater.

Also have the heater running either diagonally or horizontally as the thermostat is usually at the top and because heat rises, if it is vertical it may shut off early with the heat rising from the heater.

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Also have the heater running either diagonally or horizontally as the thermostat is usually at the top and because heat rises, if it is vertical it may shut off early with the heat rising from the heater

How can I put the heater diagonal/horizontal? I don't think this heater is submersible. Near the top it has a squiggly line that says water line. I may have the water above that line but the black "thingy" at the top I do not put in the water.

I will look into this though.


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It will be completly submersible, the line there is a giude for you to show you that that much of the heater does not HAVE to be submerged. Its pretty simple to move it diagonally or horisontally, If i were you i would place it horizontally above the gravel, and have something ust infront of it to hide it.


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Oh...I didn't know...I thought you had to buy a special kind for it to be submersible...duh :-? I have never had anything before with an electrical cord attached that could go in water :o

OMG...I just realized, it said on the box not to place too close to plants or "gravel"... :oops: :oops: ...couldn't understand how it could be close to gravel and only have the water to the squiggly line :roll: :roll: . Did I mention to tell you folks, if you haven't realized it already, I can be really dumb!

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Thanks Snowman :D

I read the box again that the heater came in and it says to attach vertically!

Have to take hood back today, piece that holds the light in was broken :evil: I'll ask them about the heater....should be interesting to hear what they say :lol: :lol:

Have a good evening...its off to work I go :o

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