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How nutritional is frozen food?/ vegetable food


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I have been told many extremely different answers about frozens foods nutritional content, so how nutrious is it?.

ALL my fish love the "Tropical Tucker" which I give them once a week..

Also what veges are suitable (neons,clowns,RT Shark, Bristlenose, Swords,guppies)

So far I feed them cucumber,zuchinni any other ideas.. for lettuce do they eat fancy frilly lettuce?

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If it is a veggie then try it. Make sure they have been washed if they have been sprayed!

Nothing wrong with the nutritional value of frozen foods as long as it is not kept too long - like all frozen foods.

My bristlenoses love peas - cooked and with the shell removed.

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Cooked peas,frozen or fresh are ideal 'first' food for many cats and livebearers. I breed Sturasomas and they need plenty of greenstuff when newly hatched. Cooked peas wizzed up in a blender and then frozen in small portions are ideal. I also feed frozen peas to livebearers as part of their normal diet. Lettuce does not have much food value but it is an ideal food for apple snails which in turn produce infusoria for small fry. When in doubt, try a LITTLE.

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Lettuce does not have much food value but it is an ideal food for apple snails which in turn produce infusoria for small fry.

Does this mean I could get apple snails, put them in my fry tank and the apple snails will produce feed for the fry? How many of them would you need to produce enough feed? (Do they need kitchen facilities in order to prepare this fry food?? :lol: :lol: )

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I have been told many extremely different answers about frozens foods nutritional content, so how nutrious is it?.

not perfect Kellz. The freezing process, esp thawing is known to destroy various vitamins esp, n other nutritional stuff......to a lesser extend. u also get a drip loss during the thawing process.

But more importantly is whether the stuff is balanced or not...i don't think most frozen commercial stuff r in NZ......just a home-made blend of various ingredients. contrast this to your standard quality flake, with claims to have passed various experimental feeding trials...these have more credibility.

but, i suppose frozen tucker is more nutritious than plan old simple frozen beefheart due to the variety of ingredients in it. so they can b a treat n b nutritionally good for your fish...just don't rely 100% on them.......generally, 75% of tropical fish diets should b met via quality commercial flakes/pellets. :D hope this makes sense.

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