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Please help...leak?


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OMG...I think my tank maybe leaking...not sure...I moved something in the tank...so I may have just spilled the water without noticing.

But...just in case...if it were a leak...what would I do?

I broke my glasses...broke a light...how in the heck could I break my tank!

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put a mark on the water line now, come back in an hour and see if the water line has moved. If you do have a leak your going to have to find it, move everything in the tank away from it. get a blob of silicon on your finger, then smear it on the inside were the silicon has begun to leak, it will dry in the water, and should be aqaurium safe.

But as said dont panick until your sure its a leak.


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Thanks Shae...I've put something on the tank and will check in an hour like you said. I sure hope it was just a spill and the water's just seeping out because of it. It's almost 11 p.m. here...there would not be a place open that I could buy silicone.

Thank you :)

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If push came to shove you could probably put the fishies along with the heater in a bucket (???) and cover with a towel....for an emergency stop gap....more inclined to think at THAT hour of night you just spilled some water.....it's not like you have done anything dramatic to the tank in the last 24 hours or so for it to result in a leak....and you have got polystyrene underneath now ;).....

i sent my tank away to be re-sealed the other day and I am very pleased with the job....so great not to have uddles of water and know my fishies are safe....and it didn't cost much either.

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I don't have the heat on and its warm...

hot water silinder Cuboard thingie?
not sure what you mean by this? Do you mean a hotwater tank?

How the heck are you Shelley? How are your fishie doing? If I had to do that, put fish in bucket...would I just use the buckets I use for when I'm cleaning the tank and put water from the tank in them...and I could still use the air pump right?

But your probably right...I wouldn't think a tank would just suddenly spring a leak...other than putting the new fish in and moving an algae wafer I didn't do anything else.

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Thanks Shae & Shelley,

It's almost an hour since I put the thing on the tank...and it doesn't appear that the water level has moved...and I haven't noticed any more water at the bottom. But I will keep an eye on it for another while, or else I won't sleep tonight...I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday...um...ah..shoot you guys are on Friday already :o

I something did happen it was good to find out that I could do that!

But thanks for the help :bow:

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Caper is so happy...gets up this morning...and no LEAK...whew!

Thanks for the help...and it is good to know what should happen if a leak occurs.

If a tank isn't moved, could it still end up with a leak...umm...does silicone loose its...lol...whatever...over time.

Shelley you said you had one of your tanks resealed, how come you had to do that?

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I bought two tanks on the internet along with a box of assorted goodies/filters etc....went to collect them and the bigger tank had the fish in it which the people caught and gave us.....there was water under the tank and they said it doesnt leak, but as the lid is just a sheet of glass that sits on top, the condensation dribbles.....anyway....I got them home and went to clean the bigger tank by tipping it on its side at the sink.....and I thought I heard a small crack....but nothing appeared to be cracked....cleaned up the tank, put in stones and plants and water....and the next day noticed a small puddle....i mopped it up and later that evening noticed a small puddle again. I wasn't convinced it wasn't the condensation, but made a mark on the side of the tank....and over a couple of days it dropped by about 2 mm......so i ended up just keeping a towel along the base and changing it daily as it became wet...which looked gross...... anyway. I am so glad I went and had it fixed. We weren't without it for long, and I now feel confident the tank is safe and good to hold fishies :). It is cycling now and I am looking forward to putting my honey gouramis in there along with a few other little favourites.....in time....

My daughter is due home from a trip to Christchurch with my mother today where they have been checking out the fish shops! She had strict instructions to bring home some nice gravel for the main tank so we can start getting that set up again....I have a feeling she may be going to get my another female fighter as well.....a belated mothers day present. I gave my mother money to buy herself a pair of blue rams for a late mothers day present for her.....but apparantly they are out of stock.....such a lovely hobby!!!! wish I had more money! lol

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More money...yah...I agree with you there Shelley...never enough :roll:

They gave you a tank with fish they had caught???? What kind of fish?

I'm glad it worked out for you...your Mom has fish too...family affair!

What kind of place did you take your tank to be re-sealed...is it an actual shop that repairs aquariums?

I have too many fish in my tank now...I bought the 2 otto's the other day...and because I've been kinda depressed lately...my son's girlfriend went out and bought me 2 more neons to cheer me up.

So, if the son of a *&^%$ ex pays my support next week...I'm going to get another tank. Unfortuantely, I'm only going to be able to get a 29 gallon since I don't have a lot of room here.

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When I say they 'caught' them....I mean they caught the fish in the tank and put them in a bag for me to take home....and emptied the tank to make it easier to carry. They were just 'ordinary' fish....some nice gouramis.....and a few other fish...very few survivors from that lot.

As for the tank repairs I took my tank to a glass specialist.....not all of them do fish tanks but this place do actually build them so I trusted them to know about silicone with fish-friendly silicone.

Looks like hubby has just lost his job......no more fish for us for a while :(

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I am so sorry to hear about hubby's job :( I hope he won't be without work long.

What does hubby do?

Shelley is unemployment high in New Zealand...here in Cape Breton it is really bad.

No more new fishie...but that will only be for awhile I hope...before you know it you'll be out buying again:)

How many fish do you have now...hmmm...is it 3 tanks you have? Glass specialist...interesting...I wonder if any of them here build tanks...but good to know that if I have problems...place to check out...THANK YOU!

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