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Algae eater...none


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I'm having a hard time getting algae eaters...will this hurt my fishies home not having them.

The lady at Walmart said she could try to get me otto's...but the only thing is...my boyfriend has to have heart surgery...and we don't know when he could get a call to go...so I don't want them to order them...in case I'm not here.

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Thanks Shae...but I managed to get 2 otto's tonight!

Thank you jude...he has to have a triple bypass...so I'm worried...next month I find out if my oldest son has to have surgery (not heart). His girlfriend is pregnant and had a 7lb cyst removed, she's fine now. But my life is just....anyway...sorry I know this isn't what this forum is for...taking care of my fish and coming here are helping to keep my sanity. You folks are all so nice...and lately some people in my life...aren't!

SORRY...back to fish.

This picture may not be too clear...batteries were low in camera...then I broke my glasses :o ...but I'm hoping you guys can verify that it is indeed otto's I have here...I've seen pics on the net and they look like them...but I trust you guys more than those that sell them.

Thought I'd through in a pic of my other pet!

I gave my tank a good cleaning...last week...how will I know if there is enough algae for them to eat. I did buy the algae wafers as well just in case...what do you folks recommend.



THANKS AGAIN :bow::bow::bow::bow:

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Right now they are pretty much go to the glass...although there may not be much algae...if they don't find on the glass...will they go to the ornaments and things, from what I've read they should.

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