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Signs that the filter is dying?!


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I have an Aqua One Tornado Power Filter. Its a long skinny box that sits in the back corner of the tank (can be seen in some of my photos, grey and black box).

I have noticed over the last two days that it is humming a lot louder than normal. I have cleaned it and its still very loud. Its even louder than the pump! :o Is this a sign that the motor is dying and time for a replacement or do they just get loud after a period of time but still work fine?

Lost and looking at trademe for a filter lol

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Hi Penejane, when you say you have cleaned the filter do you mean cleaned the impeller and around where the impeller locates, it is also important to clean as much as you can of the intake and outlet, you can buy a small brush witn nylon attached that is used for cleaning the inside of pipes that i find usefull for getting into tight places. How old is your filter ?

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When I take the base off the filter (compartment that holds the foam) there is a flat foot kinda thing which I guess is to stop the foam from being sucked up into the inlet. Apart from that nothing else comes apart on the filter that I can see. I will take it out of the tank and have a good go over it in a bucket of water and see how much I can clean out.

The filter was with the tank when I brought it in easter so its not that old.

Cheers for your comments.

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There is always a way to get into the impeller, becuase it has to be cleaned. You will also need to pull out the impeller and clean the hole and shaft, the shaft normally comes out to to make cleaning easier. Often the plate over the impeller just does a 1/4 or 1/8 turn then pulls off.

When you pull the impeller out it will feel like it is being pulled back in,this is just the magnet. Once you have the impeller cleaned put it onto the shaft and see if there is much sideways movement, this is where they ware out and what generally causes the noise, you will see what I mean when you get it apart.

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