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Could I put a betta and a bristlenose pleco in a 20 litre?


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Hi all!

I am going to purchase a betta fish. I have a 20 litre tank, and I'm in the process of cycling. I have driftwood and live plants too.

Anyways, while at the petstore, an employee told me I could keep a bristlenose with a betta, in my 20 litre, and that she does in similar conditions. 

I really liked the idea, but when I went home and started researching....problems started appearing. From what I can tell, bristlenose pleco's need to be keep in a tank thats 75+ litres, and this seems excessively high to me, even in a community tank scenario. Is this right? Could I put a bristlenose in with a betta?

Thank you.

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A lot depends on your maintenance regime but they can certainly be kept together. In my experience, golden Ancistrus grow more slowly than the common ones and are often a little bit smaller but that might be because my browns are stroppier.

If you do weekly water changes and make sure water conditions are excellent then they should be ok if you only have one of each in the tank. Make sure you have some driftwood and hiding places for the Ancistrus. They poo quite a bit so weekly siphoning of the sunstrate will help.

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