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feijoa wood ?

Tiger Tony

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Hi Peeps,

Just a quick question. I have created some extra space in my aquarium and want to add a 40cm length of Feijoa wood?
It’s on the bottom of my tub out back, it sank like a rock (hardwood?) also I cut it a month ago no sap or oozing/s detectable, the bark has 75% come off. The tree is very old bears few fruit (I leave them for the native birds) the tree is 4m wide and at least that high probably from the 60’s.
So in short... I think I am going to be fine, I searched here and around the net cannot find anything with the exception of using of leaves in NZ native aquaria, which was inconclusive.
I will leave it to soak for a week, but its very light coloured timber no smell and as dense as a brick.
If anyone has experience with feiijoa wood please let me know yea or nay.
Happy fish keeping
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Did you get this?.....seemed to bounce back to me?


Hows the snail growing business?

I imagine these are bigger type aquatic snail than than the annoying little critter i have?

Its been sooo hot, much cooler today 21-22 overcast even tried to rain. How are the snails handling the water temp? or are they sub-tropical.

Looking forward to my pond next summer...enjoy the heat it is all too quickly gone.


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Hmm the above questions from you went to my profile and I was surprised as I did not know you could do that - obviously you can't :D

I did reply there but will do so here again since it didn't work.

My snails are large pond snails and nothing like your small coils. The temp in the pond does not rise much as it is so big and has deck overhangs at both ends more more shade.

The paddling pool warmed up and some snails died but they may have been the ones first in the barrel before being transferred so weren't so good when added to the paddling pool.

They have all been delivered to ChCh and eaten by Donna's turtles now. If I have time I will collect more for the next trip down.

31C here again today but has been as high as 34C. We had a few cool days (22 - 25) but it has risen again. We have had 0.6mm rain since Christmas Day and now have a total fire ban and they are closing many of the walking and cycling tracks. They are saying it will rain at the weekend. Hope they're right!

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