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whats does white spot look like?


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Nope, dat ain't de whitespot what does the wipin' out of da fishies.

But if ya go to da top of da page and click on da search buttom,

then type in da word,"whitespot".

Ya'll fin' all da t'ings ya eva wanted ta know about whitespot,

or maybe didna wanna know.

Alan 104

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I used to work for a guy who is on his 10th LFS(20 years) been keeping fish for longer than I have been alive. The sad thing is not only does he know all the cichlids, tropical fish by scientific names but also all the diseases. :o

I remember seeing these white marks on discus in the store & asked what they were as they arent whitespot, :-? I think he said its like a break in the lines,(more delicate in discus) but don't quote me because as soon as he said it was harmless it all sort of went in one ear & out the other :roll:

Frenchy :D

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