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Two ill gouramis


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Hi folks, hopefully one of you can shed some light here for us with our gouramis. We have two, both of which developed spots a week or so ago. At first we thought something had been nipping at them, as thats what it looked like, but we've been watching closely and everything is friendy towards them still. These 'spots' have gotten a little bigger now though. Not really sure what this is. One has one right at the start of his tail, the other has about 3 over the forward side of his body. Help? :( Pictures arent too great im afraid. We've applied melafix directly to the affected areas a couple of times, but without luck. They seem to be happy enough so far, but theres obviously something wrong.






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I lost all 4 of mine to Dropsy but first I noticed skin problems ie fungus. I read alot about these drawfs gromi's and they seem to be prone to disease due to poor breeding. Sorry couldn't help and I'm not saying it's dropsy either but could be completely out of your hands.

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Just goes to show that it is better to get the "natural" coloured ones.

These ones that are in the shops now are so inbred it isn't funny.

Why don't you ask if anyone here on the forum are breeding some that you could by of them??

Home grown are better normally, than all the gunk these imports have to go thru.

Alan 104

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Alan this is pretty much ture for these fish. Would love to get more but don't think its worth the hassle. These were in with Discus, Rams and Tetras and the only problem I had was the Fungus sprend to one of the Discus that require some Aquflivane(sp) to clean it up and was rigth as rain. Would love to here if someone is breeding them and what % are raised, but still would come from the Asian fish farms in the long run.

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Hi Ormali,

You were asking in the Welcome section...

I hadnt realised that WhiteSpot was a reaction to stress - thought it was a fungi? Does stress just make them more vulnerable to it

Stress has got to be the number one killer of fish, and it can bring on a number of things that makes your fish sick... among which is White Spot... which tends to show up before other probs.

Even fish fighting or hassling for territory or a paticular space can cause stress that can lead to probs.

The change in conditions and water quality can also cause it, but fortunately WS is curable... and take heart.... even the experts get it from time to time.


White Spot spreads like the plague.. so take VERY great care if you have other tanks not to spread it around, as even a wet finger or implement can transfer it.

See here for the cycle of WS.

http://www.homepages.paradise.net.nz/gr ... 0cycle.htm


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I think you will find that the white sore is a bacterial infection. Dwarf Gouramis are very prone to this. I see this every other order with a couple coming down with what you have in the pic. Treatment, well I haven't seen many survive this, the sore will continue to grow & the fish will get less active. Sorry. :(

Chlor-B500 (used in Asia to wash out holding pens), Oxytetracycline or doxycycline. These drugs though only can get from vets or aquarium stores with good contacts.

But with the cost of treating, i'd be more inclined to flush the fish, again sorry. :cry: When buying dwarf gouramis really do check the health of them.

A tip, if gouramis seem to bob a little back & forth, thats the first signs of a bacterial infection.

Hope this helps.

frenchy :D

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Frenchy....I absolutely adore dwarf gouramis...and would like to get more but what specifically am I looking for to check their health?..I know the very basics....such as their fins shouldn't be clamped...and they shouldn't have white spot, lol, and now i know to watch if they sort of bob backwards and forwards...but how do i know i am buying healthy dwarf gouramis...or any other fish for that matter (apart from avoiding dirty tanks and tanks with dead fish). Once i get my tanks sorted out i would love to get more dwarf gouramis.... i have two honey dwarf gouramis now and they are the sweetest wee fish.

Alan you also mentioned about colour....i have seen some gorgeous cobalts and some orangey coloured ones with red (I think they were called blood red dwarfs...but honestly can't remember) are these fish substandard...in that they aren't a traditional breed? Sorry, I am wording this poorly....what I mean is are these fish likely to have been pumped full of colour enhancement stuff to help them be more attractive for sale but are actual a sub standard (for want of a better word) fish? I really would like some advice on this before I buy any more because top of my 'want' list was the dwarf blue gouramis (i wasnt that fussed on the red ones). Thanks in anticipation.

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I had both Cobalt and the Red ones as well, sorry can't remeber there names but first noticed white fluff on one of the red ones and then the second red one also got it. The Cobalt ones then started to get the inlarge belly's of Dropsy. Treated with Aquflivine first then Furan 2, Melafix and final corse of Flygal. Lost one of the Cobalts first then a red one, put the last Cobalt out of pain. The remaining Red one looked to have surived with no signs of illness but after 3-5 days started getting the swollen belly again and the fungus back. The Rummy nose tetras and Cardanils started to show sign of fungus so decided to put the last Grom down as well. The small Sunset (i think) Gromi's in the samll tank were fine and I still have them. I think that the Cobalt look great but from the reading I've done It apairs that they are weak fish due to being line breeded for colour. As Alan said above try to find someone that has breed them. Think I can remember that only about 25% last more than 12 months. I hate losing fish, almost puts u off looking at the tank and my girlfriend thinks I'm a killer.

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wow thats a high death rate. :evil: :cry:

Shelley, what you said to look for is about all you can do. Oh & make sure water isn't blue or green. Only buy from a reliable source, healthy fish are well nourished not plump bellied. they like to swim & eat eagerly.(so you could ask for shop person to feed fish so you observe) look out for deformities.

Frenchy :D

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Herefishes said:

A tip, if gouramis seem to bob a little back & forth, thats the first signs of a bacterial infection.

Shelly said:

and now i know to watch if they sort of bob backwards and forwards..

Most of the Gourami "do" bob back and forth, usually with the feelers extended.

This is their way of "feeling" things out before they make any drastic moves.. and really is not a sign of illness, but could be just a sign that the fish is a little concerned about what is around it.


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