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Seachem excel question


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Hi all. I just noticed some black beard algae growing in my tank the last couple of days. I picked up some Seachem Flourish Excel today. I've heard that it is useful for getting rid of this stuff. So I plan to at least initially dose it according to the instructions, rather than doubling up. My question is, should I have carbon in my filter while I'm using this? It says nothing about removing it on the bottle, but I don't want to just strip it from the water.



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Remove the carbon.  What fish do you have in the tank as some are sensitive to flourish excel.  If you can squirt it directly on the affected areas it will work a lot quicker.  Dose daily for a week - ten days or until you see the algae starting to turn red - then dose twice a week.

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Thanks. I poured it over the main couple of patches. I don't have a syringe on hand though. The tank contains dwarf neon rainbowfish, neon tetras, corydoras, and bristlenose plecos. Also I just noticed the bristlenose had bred, so a whole bunch of the fish are teeny tiny plecos.

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