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Planning b4 I start


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Just thought I'ld ask the CHCH guys and girls about local stuff NSW etc. I'ld like to keep a reef tank with some fish depending on thier compatibility to corals. But hard and soft and clowns would be my aim. Tank size would be no smaller than 4' and no bigger than 8' depth and heigth would be somewhere between 1.5' and 2'. Not many details but this is probably a year away as I'm currently setting up to breed Discus and Tetras in my fish room so I can move all but 2 tanks out of the house. This would mean that I could keep a reef tank in the spare bedroom. Things that I'ld need that I don't use on my freash water tanks ie skimmer, HM ligthing, pumps for water movement etc. That do u use in your sumps? noodles, bio balls, M/Mud. Just asking at the moment wouldn't be starting for 12 months and the Rep from Southern Petware has offer to help me out setting up. Just asking what is required that I don't already do. Not to much detail re chemistry just what i need to set up a tank. I've be reading heaps and will continue to do so, so by the time my wife lets we get it started I'ld have some idea of whats what.

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