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Help on setting up a peaceful community tank


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Hi just wondering if anyone could offer advice on setting up a new peaceful community tank. I have a 240l tank and was thinking about getting a black ghost knife fish (1), some kribensis (? how many), cory (4) (open to suggestions about which type of cory) and was wondering if anyone had any other suggestions for suitable tank mates? I like otos but haven't had a lot of luck with keeping them alive :( have lost 3 now and only have one left in my smaller 80l tank. Any other suggestions for efficient algae eaters which are hardier, peaceful and don't get too big? I also have one male dwarf gourami and one (female I think) blue ram in my 80l so maybe something different for the 240l??

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Black Ghost Knife are semi-aggessive fish which prefer plenty of hiding spots and low lighting, are nocturnal feeders, and due to their size at maturity it is best to keep them in a tank around 600 litres.  Kribensis when breeding can also be aggressive and will fiercely protect any eggs.  3-4 males would be good but if you are getting male and female only get a single pair otherwise the males will fight over the females.  Cory are peaceful ground dwelling catfish  and I recommend a group of six.  A 240 litre tank could handle two bristlenose.  They are hardy but males grow to 10 - 12cm at maturity.   

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