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How fast do fish grow?


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Okay...I'm really loosing it!

It sure looks like my goldfish & platy have grown in the month since I've had them that I could understand, but I've only had the tetras since Friday and they look like they have grown.

Is this what happens when you get addicted to this hobby...you start to hallucinate :wink:

From what I've read, sometimes the "size" of their surroundings can influence their size? And does it vary depending on the species?

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Both species and surroundings (plus lots of other factors) have an impact on fish growth. Plenty of tank space, well filtered with regular water changes, good quality food (and plenty of it, little but often - especially live) all make a difference in the speed of growth.

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Man you have "REALLY" got it bad :)

It seems that when you first get new fish that you don't "really" notice all the details, but after a while you tend to "observe" them more closely, which give you a better impression of what size and such that they really are.


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Hi Pegasus!

Man you have "REALLY" got it bad

Gee...not sure what you mean by that...but if you mean "hooked"...oh my...no pun intented! I AM. I love my fish. I always wanted an aquarium but was too afraid. My biggest fear, before I had the fish, was that I would either feed them too much or not enough. Now that I have the fish...my fears have expanded :o

I was reading one of your postings the other night you sound like someone who has a lot of experience with the fishies. I can't think at the moment but when I was reading it I had lots of questions, thought I wrote them down but I can't find them! Will have to read again and write down my questions for you.

Have a great evening...ah...night...ah...day!

PS And I am not a man :D

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