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Community Tank with little bit of white spot


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Its just started today, with 2 spots on my rainbow shark and 1 on a fin of my clown loach. I have checked the water temp and it had fallen to 25 degrees so tweeked it up. I understand that normal treatments can be bad for the loaches. Any advice?

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Hi Karey, a mate just had the same problem, up the temp to 29-30 which speeds up the life cycle of white spot, treat with white spot cure, the bottle says treat every 3 days but Niloc was informed to treat daily. (this info came from Josie at Hollywood Fishfarm Mt Roskill 09 6205249) Call her or David to clarify treating Clown Loaches to put your mind at rest.

Start treatment straight away, would be better if you could treat them in a hospital tank if you have one.

And keep a close eye on the other fish in the tank.

Hope this helps : -)>

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loaches dont have scales so are more sensitive to any treatment.

The general rule with scaleless fish is to half the treatment dose. works well.

Snowman is right about turning the heat up to 29-30C, just remember to turn it down again.

Make sure you do regular water changes while using the treatment, and once it is over. remember to remove any carbon before using a treatment. And i would treat the whole tank, if a couple of fish have white spot it will generally spread to more!

good luck


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