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Newbie with fishie-part 2


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Here goes...some history on my month as a first time aquarium owner. Promise all won't be this long:)

Set up aquarium:

-10 gallons

-6 artificial plants (different sizes, larger ones in back)

- 2 incadescent lights (came with aquarium)

- 1 filter Aqua-tech 5-15 on outside of tank, contains 2 filters 1 bio, 1 carbon (came with aquarium)

-1 50 watt heater purchased seperately

- 1 air pump (had one that pet store said would be fine, but found it "strong", so purchased another that was for a 10 gallon)

- gravel purchased in "pet" department of a department store, blue, red & white

- 3 ornaments, 1 little fish & sign "no fishing", 1 a triangluar rock with 2 openings, 1 small rock ornament with 1 opening

Soon as I am allowed (I think I need permission to post a picture???) I will post a picture.

Set up aquarium, 2 days later was told at the pet store ok to put in fish and was told that the platy (Red Wag Platy) and goldfish (comet, if that is the proper term for the "ordinary" goldfish) were good to start my tank with. Three days later, went to "pet" department and was told that I could "safely" add 2 Mollies (1 white, 1 black). OMG...disaster! Almost instantly the white mollie began terroizing my goldfish, next day black! Store took them back because they said they were supposed to be compatible!

Took mollies back...next day noticed a few white spots on goldfish (Sam, by the way). From what I had been reading on the net, I figured Ick. So out to by treatment. E-mailed the company that made the treatment, because the directions said treat once and once more if needed! "Caution" do not overdose! They responded right away and told me to treat 2-3 days after the spots were gone and that as long as I did a 25% water change before each treatment things should be fine. Luckily, in 5 days, things were fine.

So, as I said earlier I know have 1 goldfish (Sam), 1 red wag platy (The Little One), and now 3 black neon tetras? (The Three Stooges).

I was terrified when my son said to me on the way home, what if the goldfish eats them! So, I put them in the water, acclimating them like I read on the net, let them sit and gradually add water from tank to bag...and eventually netted each one and placed in tank. Heart sank when goldfish started to chase! That was on Friday, and so far everything seems to be fine. Oh, by the way...I thought it would be good to feed the goldfish and platy BEFORE I added the new fish, and I didn't turn on the light like I normally do when I feed them in the evening.

Anyway, sorry for the long history... but I figured I'd get it out of the way. I am really excited about owning fish and finding a site that seems so helpful:)

THANK YOU...for accepting me!

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- gravel purchased in "pet" department of a department store, blue, red & white

Is this freedom gravel :lol:

Anyhows... It sounds a little strange to have a goldfish in with tropical fish?

Otherwise, now you have things somewhat stable.. just let it sit for a few weeks, resist the temptation to add more fish etc and keep up the waterchanges :)

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Thanks mismona!

Gravel colors...funny, didn't realize till I put it in...my neighbors (country) colors! They look pretty.

Goldfish with tropical...yah, from everything I've been reading...not a proper combination. But the lady at the pet store suggested, and I thought she new the right combo. I'm hoping it is going to work out with the goldfish in there...poor Sam has been through alot! But everything I have been reading so far...says you shouldn't mix the 2. Would like to hear opinions on this...I will NOT put him in a goldfish bowl...and if I don't have too, I don't want to purchase another tank until I am more experienced and can get a bigger one with all tropicals (no goldfish next time).

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I've seen people with tropicals and goldfish in the same tank (Hi Graeme :) ) and they are thriving. So yeah - Just let things settle for a bit, I'd be interested to know what temp your tank is however.

10 Gallon = about 40 Litres? - unsure which gallons you are using :)

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"Hi Graemi"???

Temp...between 72 & 74...I have the heater set for 72 (maybe a tad higher!)...had it set for 74 but found when apartment gets warm temp was going up...so leaving it set at approx. 72...does this sound good?

Oh...and my water is clear now...this is a good sign, right?

The aguariums I've come across here are from the US so it is in 10 gallons US...according to the box 38L

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Never heard of any thing so daft or bizarre as goldfish in a tropical freshwater tank. What planet was this shop girl on? Or what pills ! And as far as telling you you can add fish after two days - total rubbish. Black mollies, in particular, can be hard to keep for a newbie - they are susceptible to white spot and prefer a slighly higher temp with brackish conditions (a slight amount of salt added to the water to replicate the water conditions they come from - in face, if acclimatised, they can be happy in a marine aquarium !!).

Oh well, you have taken the plunge, and thats all part of the fun. As someone else said - leave alone for at least two weeks now and then only add the fish in small groups (the larger the fish the smaller the group).

Good luck and enjoy

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Get yourself another tank and set it up as your first tank.

Use the goldfish in there to cycle it(the new tank) and when you buy new fish,

put them into that tank to quarantine them for a minimum of one week, failure to do this will, I'm certain,

result in you writing in again to say that your tank has gone down with a dreaded lurgy.

Now get another tank, shove ya plastic fantastics into there with the goldfish and get some proper plants for the tropicals.

You won't regret it.

By the way, the goldfish's mouth is big enough to swallow one or more of your tanks inhabitants, it will.

Now you go to the doctor and explain to him/her that you have developed a bad case of MTS.

Bet he doesn't know how to cure it.

Most of us here haven't found a cure either.

Goodluck with your new hobby

Alan 104

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It's not that bizarre PomeReef! Goldfish can be kept in tropical tanks quite well although it is not the normal thing to do for them.

Just be careful Caper that Sam doesn't eat the Three Stooges, he's quite likely to when they are asleep one night!

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Right - well i know what to talk to my GP about then and i know who to blame ! This site ! Im now thinking about the marine reef, a killi breeding setup and some catfish brreding too ! Aaarrgghhh. Now what can i sell to pay for it all??? Oh yes, that'll do - anyone want a videocam ? heheeh :roll:

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Hi All!


Unfortunatly, there is only 1 pet store (very small) and 1 department store that sell fish. As I stated on another post, realizing that they don't know an awful lot. With that said, I'm trying to take care of all my fish, including Sam (goldfish), not his fault I was misguided:)

If there is one thing I have learned in this past month in reading on the net, there are many different opinions, many the same. It would also appear that sometimes opinions are based on experience and "not" the rule, so to speak.

But if there is one thing I have learned here, on this site...people are very friendly and willing to help...believe me I do appreciate the input.


Thanks for the warning. So far, I still have my Three Stooges:) They are small, do you think once they get bigger, that threat of Sam eating them will be gone?


I can't get a new tank just yet...have to watch the money, ex not paying his spousal support:(

And I guess your right I have MTS (now that I know what it is hahaha)...only have tank a month and already can't wait to get a bigger one. What I was hoping to do, once I'm more experienced, if this tank works out, is get a bigger tank and ONLY have tropicals in it. I really don't want to use real plants if I don't have too.

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Keeping goldfish in tropical conditions speed up their metabolism,

thereby making them grow quicker and die earlier.

You can see this in the forestry with the radiata pine,

slow growing in your part of the woods Caper, (woops, sorry about that unintended pun),

but in NZ are huge in 25 years.

Of course we harvest them before that tho.

By the way, MTS does not hurt you, but it does sting in the wallet tho.

Alan 104

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