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Would bristlenoses and cories compete


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Ive been wanting to get some albino corydoras once I get a bigger tank sorted but Ive just seen a mates golden bristlenose and it was gorgeous.  My concern is that if I got both the bristlenose and cories that they would end up competing for food at the same level of the tank.  Obviously the bristlenose will also eat algae (or so Im told) and not just rely on the leftovers but Im guessing if I had both there would need to be some serious thought to what else to give them both.  I would be throwing in some algae wafers and a weekly feed of corgette or something like that but I would hate to think that one is being neglected because I have both in there.


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im looking at the aqua one 820 which is 155 litres or maybe the next size up, the 215 litre one, depends on where I end up moving and what I can fit but definately at least the 155 litres.  Was wanting 6 albino cories and either one or two of the golden bristlenoses depending on whether they are loners or like a friend.  I will have a few pieces of driftwood in there and probably a cave of some description to break up territories.

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The Corys and a BN or two would do fine :) I had a BN in with my group of 20 sterbai corydoras in a 200 L and he would stake out a particular piece of food-- be it novofect, novotab, or algae wafer, he'd always chose something different-- and the corys would just eat around him with whatever flaked off from what he was eating, or go mob a different morsel of food. It's easy enough to tell if they arent getting enough to eat, but I've found its easier to overfeed than underfeed them :) 

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