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African cichlids - Massive clear out - Pickup Massey


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Closing down my fish room so selling off everything bar a couple of fish. Once the fish are sold i will be selling off all the tanks and filters also. All really good quality and produce fry constantly
I will not ship so dont ask. Pick up is in massey, Auckland. Will post some pics tomorrow

Proven breeding colonys
Nimbochromis Venustus(Giraffes) 1male 3female Large male approx 18cm female 15cm    $250
Tropheus Moliro(Firefox) - 1m 1f approx 9cm pair       $150
Demasoni - Approx 6 adults 8cm (sex unknown mostly female) 8 3-5cm     $200
Protomelas sp. "Steveni Taiwan" (Taiwan Reef)  1m 12cm 2 female 7cm 2 smaller females   $150
O.lithobates 2m about 8-10cm 10 females 5-8cm        $300
Protomelas taeniolatus (Red Empress) - 1male 18cm 4 females 10-12cm     $400
Jacobfeibergi 6-10 will sell in groups of 10 with at least 2 males     $150/group
Aulonocara Maleri Sunshines 1m 10cm 9females approx 7cm       $300
Ice blue 4m 10cm 7 females 6-8cm         $150
Albino Rubescens Original german import 1male 10cm 7 females 6-8cm     $500
Albino Rubescens spare group 2males 10cm 8 females 6-7cm      $500
Electric Blue Fyeri 1m 10cm 3 female 7-14cm 2smaller females 5cm     $200
Synodontis multipunctatus - Sex unkown breed reguarly, 8 approx 8-10cm     $600


Young fish and 1 offs
OBs * 3 recent imports 5-7cm          $80/each
Male Electric Yellows * 4 approx 10cm         $30/each 
Metriaclima/Pseudotropheus sp. "elongatus chewere" * 4 sex unknown     $100/each
Electric Blue Fyeri - 2-3cm           $60/group of 6
Electric Yellow 2-3cm           $50/group of 6
Labeotropheus trewavasae - 3 @ 5cm 3@2-3cm        $60 for the group
Protomelas sp. "Steveni Taiwan" (Taiwanee Reef)  2-4cm       $50/group of 6
Aulonocara Maleri Sunshines 4-5cm         $60/group of 6
Aulonocara Maleri Sunshines 2-3cm         $50/group of 6
Albino Rubescens           $100/group of 6
Clown Loach 8-10cm           $50/each

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