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Different fish species wanted


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I want to know what other fish are ok with guppies. My Bristlenose catfish has just died yet all the other seem fine. Guess I just don't have the touch for the B/Ns just yet. I don't want anything that looks like a gold fish and won't cost an arm and a leg to get. I only have a 90ltr tank so I can't have fish to big either.

Any suggestions welcome.

Ohh and pH is at 7.0-7.5 and temp is at 24-25C


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Well not all platies look like goldfish lol.....depending on the colours (I did have a fabulous blue platty but she died :( )....but I always think platties, swordtails and guppies look nice together. I like mollies too but have heard they are a little more delicate.....

I absolutely love my little dwarf gouramis....I have read somewhere that they can pick on each other but that is not the case in my tank...they don't grow very big...they are pretty and delicate and a wee bit shy for the first week....and I think they look lovely with guppies (guppies being quite small). I have not noticed any problems with them and any of the other fish in the tank. Neon tetras add a bit of colour but sometimes I have found them to be a wee bit bossy (but they certainly don't look like goldfish!) I now have 15 in the tank and they look great together and haven't bothered any of the others since I have increased their numbers. I LOVE my corydoras...I have a peppered one and an albino...and they pretty much mind their own business but are always busy scurrying about the tank :)

I think pretty much guppies go with anything.... but I would be wary of the beautiful black widows and sherpae tetras.... I absolutely love these fish but they are fin nippers and the only way I would ever get them again is if they had a tank of their own (currently they are my cycling fish...helping set up the new tanks)....

Maybe you need more tanks :lol:

Sorry to hear about your bristlenose. But it is early days yet....I wouldn't take it too personally if you know your water quality is good. perhaps it is just a time thing? I doubt it has anything to do with him being in with the guppys. We lost quite a few fish in the first few weeks :( but things have settled down a lot more now..... I feel much better armed with information from this site :)

Good luck.

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I have been looking at some sites on tropical fish and I seem to like the Swordtails but now I am stuck as to look into getting some of them or to get some different coloured guppies and see what happens.

So far the idea of just guppies is more appealing as so far none of them have died so I must be doing something right with them lol. The 3/4 black guppies are starting to look a little boring and it seems their fry are all the same colour also. Any suggestions as to what sort of guppy colours I could look into that would go well breeding wise with my 3/4 black? I don't know how many F or M I have from my babies but would I be best to get a trio ( 1 M, 2F) or just 3 Females that are already heavly pregnant?

Would like to see some red,yellow,green and orange in the tank :D

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All of the above! ;-) You seriously need another tank (or two). I'm not a huge fan of the sword tails except to say they do add some lovely colour to the tank...and i think they are kind of on a par with guppies for ease of breeding. It stands to reason your black guppies will breed black guppies :)..... maybe a new coloured male...and some females would give a surge of colour to your tank. I am waiting anxiously to see what colour the 6 guppy fry we have will turn out to be..... the albino female is back in the main tank....but she is certainly very shy...thankfully she is no longer a nervous wreck.

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yeah I am thinking that a trio (1M,2F) would be a good addition to the tank. With my babies I have some that are 3/4 black already and others that have black specks in the fins so I ain't 100% sure as to if they are all going to be all black or not. I will be going on the hunt over the next few days for some different coloured guppies.

I would consider buying off anyone who was/wanting to sell any but I don't think they would survive postage even if it was same day delivery. Unless there were some in CHCH or Dunners then it might be possible but still risky.

Time to go and start dinner I think :D

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