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experience with tangs


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hi all

i was looking at the following tangs and was wondering whether any of you had any past experience or knowledge about them (pros and cons etc):

1. orange shoulder tang.

2. purple tang.

3. kole tang.

4. yellow tang.

5. clown tang.

6. sohal tang.

7. blue tang.

8. Powder blue tang.

9. Naso sp

10. Achillies tang.



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Orange Shoulder:

Large fish. Juveniles are ugly, full adult colouration is very spectacular.

Purple Tang:

Solid fish, tend to be more expensive, coming from the Red Sea and transhipped. Good for smaller tank.

Kole Tang:

Nice looking detritus eater. doesn't get too big.

Yellow Tang:

Common. Good for smaller tanks. Picks a lot at rocks/algae.

Clown Tang:

Amazing fish, sometimes caught using cyanide through Indo. Gets large, and aggressive, requires plenty of food, and creates a lot of waste.


Great fish, similar to Clown Tang, gets large and aggressive. Needs lots of food. One of the hardiest tangs around. Again expensive coming from the Red Sea, and transhipped through LA or Asian countries.

Blue Tang:

Another common one.

Powder Blue:

Can be shy at first, but can get agressive once settled in. Good algae eater. Picks at rocks a lot.


Big, don't tend to get as agressive as other large tangs.


Nice looking fish. Similar to power blues in behaviour.

Generally people have less success with the larger tangs, I believe because of their need to be fed a LOT of green food and protein based foods. Also, they are more susceptible to disease when kept in smaller tanks.

If you plan on getting any of these post your intention, and many here will be able to give advice on compatibility.


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Are you on a budget? How big is your tank?

The purple or the kole are much nicer. The kole can be stunning and the comb mouth makes them worthy of consideration, my Blue Eye is a great fish for hovering up algae.


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i like the look of the juvy shoulder tang so i might get that. (especially for $52)

What size tank do you have? Keep in mind that these fish get large, and juveniles have a high metabolism, which means they need to be fed a lot, otherwise they will slowly starve to death over a period of a few months.


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well, he doesn't have any set tanks for marines. phone him and he will give you a list of what the importer is sending out. he will tell you what is there, and if you want one ask him how much he will charge. (usually 40-50% cheaper than most places). when you fish or coral etc arrive he phones you. if you can't pick the fish up then, he takes it home and keeps it in his tank until you can pick it up.


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explained above. how long do they take to become adults? this one is about 5-6cm long.

Sometimes juveniles take much longer to morph to adult colours in tanks, sometimes it never happens. Don't know how long it generally takes for this particular fish. Maybe several years?

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I had an orange shoulder. Started out yellow and grew like crazy. changed to adult colours in about 2 years. Was WAY to big for my 4 ft tank do had to sell him to someone with a larger tank.

My one was very aggressive with my blue tank, but an amazing fish all the same.

I wouldnt put him in anything smaller than a 6ft tank at least

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