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Native fish food recipe


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I made up a batch of fish food yesterday and tested it today all my fish loved it even my redfins which are very picky!

So I was thinking that other native keepers (Or carnivorous fish keepers) can add recipes (make your own up if you wish) and post their results with them, I'll start!

*300 grams of heart (Cut into small chunks and fat cut off)

*300 grams of raw prawn (or shrimp) (with tails removed)

*100 grams of Hikari sinking cichlid gold (ground to powder)

*half a packet of unflavoured gelatin, I think I used between 50 and 100 grams

*(optional) 100 grams of fresh snapper (from the days fishing trip)

Put the heart and prawn (and snapper) in a blender and blend until well mixed, add gelatin and 1/4 to 1/2 of cold water and blend until it starts to thicken.

Put in plastic bag and chuck in freezer! Can be broken into better sized pieces after 1/2 to one hour.

Next time I'm planning on not using heart due to reading a lot of negative things about it, anyone have any healthier alternatives?

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