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importance of water hardness - boesemani rainbows


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We would like to keep rainbows in a community tank, sounds like they are peaceful fish. We found a website that lists the parameters they prefer as far as ph, temp etc go and it appears they like much harder water then most fish (9-19kh). My question is how important is water hardness? Also what fish could be put in with rainbows?

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I used to keep rainbows and my water is soft. They grew well, swam well and were healthy. They need a big tank - over 150cm as they get to be big fish. Open swimming spaces are required and a decent fitting lid. As they are very active keep with other fish of a similar nature. I had mine with X-ray tetra, bristle nose, a rainbow shark, SAE and dwarf chain loaches.

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kH kits that are current (not past expiry) are not easy to come by atm. I spent heaps on a salifert one to find out four weeks later it was expired and giving a false reading. I'm currently using an API kit (I ended up picking it up in Australia a few weeks back).

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