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Can anyone ID these Rams?


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Is anyone able to ID these rams for me? I know they are either Bolivian or Blue, but given the difference in preferred conditions I would love to know for sure. They are juveniles, with smaller of the 2 being just over 1"




The pictures are poor I know, cannot seem to focus on the fish :P.

I will attempt to get better photos throughout the day.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

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Thanks for the reply. Yep sold as blues.

I am just wanting to be sure, there is bit of confusion between the two . With the water temp at around 26 my hengeli don't seem to enjoy it as much. Was going to move the rams into a larger tank once they matured a bit. But if the current fish don't enjoy the higher temp, then I will set up and cycle the new tank asap and find some other tankmates who like the higher temp

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