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Fluidized Bed Filters


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  • 2 months later...

Hi Sayhi2steve

In America it is well known/used. Reading up a bit opened my eyes. Not enough to go out and purchase one. Apparently it is a tall container, round square whatever. The water goes into the bottom and comes out at the top. BUT, it also lifts the sand. How it does it, I would not know. So a DIY would not be easy, unless you know exactly how it should behave. I personally have never seen one her in OZ. But if you go on the net, you find dozens of entries.

Try this one for starters: http://www.petswarehouse.com/fluidizedfilters.htm

Good luck


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I doubt if you could buy one here for a resonable price but apparently they are not too bad to DIY. I have thought about making one for myself before but have only recently set up a tank that is big enough to be worthy of the effort. Here are a few links I have found:




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Hi Midas

Looked at the first 2 DIY's. If it is as straight forward as it looks, then the first project could be simplyfied by using PVC and perspex. (Both round)

The second project could also be simplified by using a gardenspray pressure bottle. 6 liters about $A25.00 All the parts come with it. Including overpressure valve, if needed, hoses etc. I already made one, but for a normal filter with gravel only. Hieuc knows about it. Sent him drawings. The other expense would be a powerhead. If for instance the project does not work as expected, or you decide to "not to use it", then the spraybottle and the powerhead could be used for other things. So, no real loss apart from the time and a bit of sand.


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